Eric Cordian wrote:
His parents and the cops then tried to have him declared insane and institutionalized, which didn't work. They also immediately arrested his friend. The cops working on his case then phoned the team investigating the murder of the younger boy, and gave his name to them as a suspect. He was then arrested and jailed for that murder, although no direct evidence linking him to the murder has been released.
A little confused here. Let's call the older man "Victor" and his fifteen year old friend "Harold". Neither of them were murdered, right? Let's call the murder victim "Norbert". "Harold" refused to rat out "Victor" and now the police are charging "Harold" with the murder of "Norbert". What is the relationship between "Harold" and "Norbert"? You say there is no direct evidence connecting them. What evidence does connect them? Did they at least know each other?
The press continues to harp on the "murder suspect was abused" and "parents rights foiled by the system" aspects of the case, to the exclusion of the possibility that he is only in jail because the police wanted to screw him, or that the murder was committed in a blind fit of rage as a result of his manipulation at the hands of various authority figures.
While "Harold" may not be guilty of the murder, if he did kill "Norbert" then he should probably be treated as a murderer. While the police should not harrass gays, such harrassment does not seem to make a good excuse for murdering an unrelated completely innocent third party. JusticeMonger