It's always amazing to see how stupid the responses are to various
messages.  There seems to be no limit to the ignorance of the cypherpunks.

It is well known that this is a motivation for many terrorists.  If you
will not believe it from an anonymous message, perhaps you will be
convinced by quotes from the two co-founders of the cypherpunks, both
of whom have said exactly the same thing in messages posted today:

Tim May wrote in 1996 and reposted today:
(yada yada yada. snip)
There are two contrasting forces at the heart of the cypherpunk
philosophy, well exemplified by the two co-founders, and their messages
posted today show the difference well.

The dark anger of May versus the bright hope of Hughes.  Make your choice.

Stuff your false binary choice, I prefer to think for myself.

It seems there is no limit to asininity of federal trolls.


Sigs? We don' need no stinking sigs!