17 Dec
17 Dec
11:17 p.m.
Too stupid? Consider that the original SPECIES movie was sold as "Aliens with tits" <A quote from the recollections of a person at the meeting where the script was sold>! *I* don't think it's too stupid. | Hmmmm.... Makes me think that a great way to make | progress is for cypherpunks to start submitting scripts to hollywood | about presidents who get in massive trouble when their personal | communications are subpoenaed and crypto keys are de-escrowed to | prove that they had sex with office staff.... | | Nah, that's too stupid... | | mjr. | -- | Marcus J. Ranum, CEO, Network Flight Recorder, Inc. | work - http://www.nfr.net | home - http://www.clark.net/pub/mjr