Beans, Beans, They're Good For The Heart - SAHMD!!! ___________________________________________________ But they are very, very bad for the lungs. By popular request, as a result of a plethora of requests being forwarded to me by <bianca@dev.null>, even though I had no idea that so many subscribers to the CypherPunks list were aware of the true existence of the DevNullServer, I will expand a bit on the simplicity of the on-site creation of biochemical substances with the capacity to neutralize ExcessivelyAcidicAuthoritarians. Reading the literature on the production of such biochemical agents as Rincin, etc., one is struck by the need to go to great lengths to prevent being struck by the end-results of one's own experimentation in the creation of such substances. The need for outrageously complex security precautions in the preparation of biochemical agents makes the task prohibitive for those with limited access to funds and/or proper tools for the job. Or so it would seem... The fact of the matter is, if one pays close attention to the methods and processes of producing these agents, it quickly becomes apparent that eliminating the need for the transporting of these substances thereby eliminates much of the need for expensive and time-consuming safeguards against self-exposure to these deadly agents. In effect, if one can develop a mechanism to produce these biochemical agents at the site at which one wishes them to be released, then he or she can be relaxing on a beach at Honolulu while the little spores are busy taking care of business. MadBombers use timing mechanisms which delay the triggering of their products until they have had time to start making tracks toward the car that their government coconspirators have taken the rear license-plate off of. The spawning process of biochemical agents is a natural trigger- delay system which can be used to effectively create the desired substances while one is using the time to beat feat to an exotic island paradise. Spawning biochemical agents where 'a little goes a long way,' means that, once the mechanism kicks in, the results will be dramatic and far-reaching. Another advantage of on-site production is that dogs which are trained to recognize the scent of biochemical agents are unlikely to be trained to set off barking-flags over the scent of the basic ingredients used to create those substances. The down-side, of course, is that one cannot be certain that the desired substance will not be created/disseminated at a time when a local grade-school class is visiting the site as part of an LEA propagand exercise. However, if one is capable of taking the position that a government organization which consciously places a day-care center in a federal building known to be a soft-target for anti-government radicals, the responsibilty for their deaths falls on the government, then c'est la vie... Personally, I am of the opinion that any goverment that has no qualms about letting hundreds of poor, black men suffer the vile consequences of untreated syphilus, burning out the brains of average citizens to further the cause of mind-control research, expose unwitting citizens to radiation and hallucinogenic experiments without their consent, ad infinituum, can pretty much go fuck themselves if they attempt to decry those who attack them as Monsters, as a result of so-called innocents suffering as a result of the government's complacency and audacity in deeming themselves above retribution by those they are in the habit of so casually oppressing and persecuting. Anyone who wishes to attend the grand spectacle of the RCMP's Musical Ride, during the celebration of their 150th anniversary of keeping the average citizen from rising up against the rich and powerful, is welcome to do so. However, if they find their ass getting scorched as a result of the efforts of those being fucked in the ass by Dudley DoWrong taking it upon themselves to throw a serious fuck back towards whence it came, they should refrain from whining. Pardon me for sounding just a tad 'callous,' but I have had the opportunity to peruse private emails and memos between various members of Canada's Finest, and I find it rather disgusting that they can so casually discuss the probability of their attempts to pressure a mentally disabled person into 'cracking' resulting in HimOrHer committing physical destruction on the local schoolchildren (based on HisOrHer publication of a 'KILL THE CHILDREN!!!' Bienfait Nutly News Special), so that they will be able to step in as the GoodGuys who bring HimOrHer to Justice (TM), without suffering any personal losses in the process. Skeptical? Ask the RCMP to provide you with a copy of the files on the computer which they stole from me, after monitoring my website and emails, which made it clear that my computer fulfilled an essential role in researching my medical condition, and maintaining effective treatment for it. Once you receive the files, read one that is named 'warning.sog,' in which Bianca forwards a file purloined from a Canadian government computer system, which contains a discussion as to the desirability of putting pressure on me at a time when I am short on my medications. Do a text search on a file which suggests that, due to my Tourette Syndrome, it is inadvisable for LEA's to work me over for merely shouting and cursing, but that if I begin waving my arms around, they can consider themselves in danger, and do anything they desire to my sorry ass. Think I'm kidding? Thanks to the incredible ignorance of LEA's who believe that they are free to monitor the communications of the citizenry, while the reverse is illegal and unacceptable, I was afforded the opportunity to BeatFeet across the U.S. border the day before the Mounties appeared on my doorstep to steal my computers as punishment for speaking the Truth, and bury backup copies of my complete hard drive, which contain information which makes the above 'allegations' seem trite, by comparison. What I find hilarious is that copies of extremely culpatory and embarassing files/emails were forwarded to a variety of those from who they originated, yet monitoring of the ongoing investigation in this regard indicates that the FuckWads are as conscientious about fucking over the internal investigators as they are about fucking over the citizenry. Equally hilarious is the fact that whoever is in charge of running the Official RCMP WebSite seems to be unaware that any directory without an 'index.html' file, when accessed, gives the user access to *all* of the files in the directory, which makes them a very, very bad place to wittingly or unwittingly store sensitive files. In case you haven't already guessed, I am currently drunk, onery and mean. Any tarantula that bites me is in for a big surprise...