Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1993 13:36:13 -0800 From: (Fen Labalme) Don't most news readers have "kill files" (sometimes known as "bozo filters")? I definately prefer decentralized solutions. Anyone mandating what I can and cannot read is slime (synonomous with censor), imo. I want to make that choice myself, thank you very nice. I suppose that a kill file of something like ".*" for each of the remailers would filter out all of the anonymous kill files. It still would slow down everyone news reader's, though. And as a news admin, if someone anonymous user abuses USENET by sending large GIF's to a newsgroup, this filling up my news spool, I (and each individual news admin) can make the individual choice to mail each offending anonymous news posting to the Is that what you meant by a decentralized solution? :-) - Ted