At 17:50 8/8/96, Mike Duvos wrote:
The Post Office has now jumped on the terrorist bandwagon by announcing that it will no longer be legal to drop any package weighing over 16 ounces into a collection box.
Larger packages will have to be presented in person at the Post Office, and I wouldn't be surprised if several forms of ID were required.
We'll see the day.
Should wreak havoc with the mail order video tape rental business, with those handy pre-paid 4th class labels you just slap on the tapes before dropping in the nearest mailbox.
A video tape weighs less than a pound.
I suspect one could do a lot of damage to a mailbox with under 16 ounces of the proper explosive. Perhaps one of our resident Cypherpunks bomb experts could expand on this subject.
Sixteen ounces of C4 will do you right. It was only 12 ounces that brought down the Pan Am flight over Scotland. -- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock@netcom.com> PGP encrypted mail preferred. Defeat the Demopublican Unity Party. Vote no on Clinton/Dole in November. Vote Harry Browne for President.