In that direct reply McKay confidently announces that I am lying, and confidently announces that he is refuting my claims. He then gives a long list of facts that supposedly refute my claims, but which actually seem to confirm them,
then confidently announces I have been refuted.<< Such as at Should have got a patent on that technique jamesd.nevermind.Facts never got in the way of a good fairy story.
McKay's evidence does not support his claim that Catalonia was anarchist. Instead, if his account and interpretation was true, it would be evidence that Catalonia was a benign dictatorship reluctantly forced to use a small amount of very necessary terror by the wickedness and recalcitrance a small number of those it ruled.<<
He announces
Twisting McKay could be as difficult as twisting Chompsky,still the big lie... Easy to check I still swear by "objectivity and liberal scholarship."by Chompsky.Also Orwell,Oh, and Bookchins,"The spanish anarchists" that I am wrong in some great big important way, but when you carefully read the alleged errors of my terrible "reign of error", he is making distinctions so minute that no one could possibly care, and in many cases distinctions so fine that no one save himself could possibly understand. << This would seem to describe jamesd's MO to a T.See If they are good enough for you to attack chomsky with you cant squeal to much when they are used on you,can you jimmy? You ARE wrong in some big important ways,you have a hirstory of it and your last refuge with imbeciles like Tim is under assault.The CALCers Tora Bora's are about to be firebombed,run jimmy run!