CANADIAN NUTLY NEWS: [CNN, Bienfait, Saskatchewan] BAR OWNERS at the Coaldust Saloon, in violation of Canadian bartender/customer confidentiality laws, revealed details of a planned merger between Micro$oft and the Jerry Springer Show.
"The success of Terminal Man showed that the future was in snuff-flicks, and Police Chases was the natural movement of that theme into the trend toward Real TV."
Let's see...if the police with the TV camera in their car get in a chase with another vehicle, their chances of getting on primetime TV increase in proportion to the threat posed to all involved, including innocent bystanders. So if the 'perp' kills or gets killed, the police officer gets to sing on 'Star Search'? If the TV camera on the police cruiser gets a particularly gory shot of the fleeing vehicle splattering a child in a crosswalk, the cop gets a free dining room set? I can hardly wait until Jane and Joe Public get their chance to participate in an InterActive snuff-flick in WebWorld. "It will never happen." you say?" Like the Great Evil of Alcohol will never be taken out of the hands of murderous criminals who make outrageous profits, and put into the hands of governement, who makes an equally outrageous profit. Like the government will not use their armed power to out-muscle the scar-faced, pug-nosed thugs in the dark underworld, to take over control of the Great Evil of Gambling. Trust me when I say that I am not just being cynical about the Sheeple (TM) in saying this. If I had a chance for a shot at Louis J. Freeh on the Pay-per-InterAct Snuff Channel... SnuffMonger