Jim, I appreciate your resistance. Still, our experience on Cryptome with offering only URLs indicates that they are little used unless there's a taste of what is worth going to see. No doubt that it would be easiest to give only URLs and let the lazy bastards graze readers-digest crap elsewhere. But it's not the deadheads we'd like to swap info with, for they never give back enough to make it worthwhile -- usually the shits just send more URLs without explanation as if we can read their profound thoughts. What we've found is that if you treat your readers with respect they'll give it to you, even send you stuff you'd never see otherwise. That is, they'll inform you and educate you in ways you can't do alone, though that shared experience isn't for everyone, I'll grant you, in particular when you want only to talk and preach and not listen and learn. So we've found that the better we make our samples the more likely readers will figure we're offering something worth reading, and if they like it they'll eventually return the favor, and if we're lucky we get better than we offer -- indeed, that is always the case: the best stuff comes in from folks who figure they'd like to take part in a mutually rewarding situation, as we see on cypherpunks. URLs alone send a message of laziness, contempt, cluelessness about the benefits of communication as against dancing castaway on an island. For that solo shit you don't need CDR, the Net, the world, or think you don't until the radio farts coming from your ass are only cancer static.