Speaking of which, do the current SETI programs check for signal modulation using polarization.
Speaking of SETI, their current intent is to do a distributed computation spread across thousands of computers, similar to some of the keycracking efforts. Details at http://www.bigscience.com ; the Recent News section says they're currently trying to figure out about funding. Meanwhile, there's www.mersenne.org for factoring big prime numbers. Tim wrote:
Nothing in quantum teleportation has been shown to propagate signals faster than light. (If you don't believe me, look into it. Start by reading the FTL discussions about Bell's Theorem.) But I thought Jim Bell had a solution to ..... :-)
Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, bill.stewart@pobox.com PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639