NEVER GET LOST AGAIN! WITH STREET WIZARD MAPPING SOFTWARE Sorry about the unsolicited letter--but our research indicates that you may be interested. I want to tell you about the product that you MUST have-- for both your BUSINESS and HOME. This software is extremely useful for ANYONE who needs to "get around town" during the day! STREET WIZARD is PERFECT for business people--corporate executive, marketing managers, small businesses, real estate agents, appraisers, sales reps, service professionals, delivery services, etc. Unless you just "sit in your living room" all day--you will benefit from STREET WIZARD. THE PRODUCT: STREET WIZARD MAPPING SOFTWARE FOR WINDOWS A fun and easy-to-use software product on CD ROM(Windows 3.x, Windows 95 & Windows NT), including many unique and important features for business/home: LOOK UP AND SHOW ADDRESSES ON A MAP Instantly find and locate friends or clients. AUTOMATICALLY CREATE ROUTES BETWEEN TWO ADDRESSES! This feature includes the ability to create and view a route between any two addresses within a metro area or county on a detailed map. PRECISE DIRECTIONS Street Wizard will even automatically convert the route into text form, showing detailed turn-by-turn directions. These directions are so precise, they will even indicate what side of the street your destination will appear! Estimated mileage and travel times are included. Perfect for ANYONE hitting the road during the day. LINK AND VIEW DATABASE INFORMATION ON MAPS! The ultimate feature for business professionals. Any database information that you have on a client can be linked to a map for viewing. Simply click on an address on a map, and any information contained in your database can be viewed--right on a Street Wizard map. Link information from your prospect database, contact manager or accounting system. CUSTOMIZE MAPS FOR YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS Show total sales price, scheduled delivery times, the names of client family members, etc.--any information vital to your business. The possibilities are almost endless! PRINT DETAILED MAPS AND TEXT DIRECTIONS! Both maps and text directions can be easily printed-give them to your friends or clients. Maps can be printed in either color or black & white. AND TAKE IT ALL WITH YOU Street Wizard will print out maps and text directions. But if you have a laptop computer, you can also take Street Wizard on the road with you--even if your laptop doesn't have a CD ROM drive! Street Wizard contains a utility to transfer maps to floppy diskettes from your CD ROM-equiped Home or Office computer. You'll never again have to be without the power of Street Wizard. We're convinced you will find Street Wizard ABSOLUTELY INVALUABLE. So convinced, that we're willing to make you this special offer: THE OFFER: Street Wizard carries a suggested list price of $74.95. For a limited time only, we're offering this great product at a reduced price -- $39.95. That's a 47% savings! (plus $4.50 shipping/handling) THIS OFFER INCLUDES AN UNCONDITIONAL 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE (Shipping and Handling is non-refundable) Simply CALL our Sales Dept. at(619)597-1776 for credit card orders, or MAIL us a check or money order using the convenient order form below: If you have questions or need more information, please call or fax our sales department. PLEASE NOTE:You cannot forward questions to us via email or by hitting "reply". Call our telephone # for all questions or "remove" requests. PS: HURRY - ACT NOW! THIS SPECIAL OFFER ENDS MONDAY,APRIL 28, 1997. PSS: If you need more information-simply call us-we're happy to hear from you. Street Wizard is also available from many fine computer and software dealers, including: Fry's Electronics Micro Center Software City J&R Computer World Software Spectrum(800-624-0503, item# S21226) ASAP Software Express(800-248-2727, item# 1668351) Byte & Floppy Computers Datel Systems Datavision RCS Computer Experience TigerDirect Catalog(800-888-4437,item# A146-1000, PC Mall Catalog(800-863-3282, item# 87006, Provantage(800-336-1166,, Wal-Mart Online Computer Shop( NECX Direct(, Item #0000092412) Stream Int.(800-763-8927) If you prefer to buy from a dealer, call or visit one of these fine retailers. Many other dealers carry our products; call us to find the dealer nearest you. ============================================================== SPECIAL EMAIL OFFER AP93-Direct Purchase Order Form** **Offer good on orders received by MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1997 SPECIAL S&H Per unit X # of units Grand Total $39.95 $4.50 $44.45 ________ = ________ (California residents must add $3.10 sales tax/unit to the total) Company _______________________Phone ( )_____________ First Name____________Last Name_________________________ Street Address___________________________________________ City____________________State____________Zip_____________ Email Address________________ Name as it appears on Credit Card:_________________________ Credit Card #_________________Expiration Date:_______________ Please circle below: Visa MasterCard Amex (CC Orders Only)Signature:_____________ If Paying by check or money order, write your check #:__________ 1. If paying by credit card, call or mail/ fax this form using info below 2. If paying by check, mail this form with check using info below 3. Please make out checks to: Adept Computer Solutions, Inc. 4. For faster credit card orders call us at (619)597-1776. 5. YOU CANNOT REACH US VIA EMAIL--please call/ fax questions MAIL OR FAX FORM TO: Adept Computer Solutions, Inc. Attention: Street Wizard SPECIAL EMAIL OFFER AP93 10951 Sorrento Valley Road #1G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel (619) 597-1776 Fax (619) 597-1774 WHAT THE PRESS IS SAYING ABOUT STREET WIZARD: "Street Wizard makes it a breeze to get where you're going in new territories by popping up detailed directions." - Laura Lang, PC World "Street Wizard, from Adept Computer Solutions, provides detailed maps of counties across the nation and features tools to help you find specific addresses and select travel routes." - Windows Magazine "Don't know the zip code? No problem; Street Wizard finds it for you. Print any part of the map you need, or ask for text directions." - Entrepreneur Magazine "Theres's no reason to feel lost again....You can view maps in their entirety, by specific communities or you can zoom in to look at individual streets block by block." - PC Novice "Get your bearings with Street Wizard.......Street Wizard provides a toolbar that helps you display a specific street name, a particular community or the entire map area." - Windows Magazine "Computer users can likely become program literate in about five minutes." - Susan Gembrowski, San Diego Executive "Reasonably priced, it offers the detail of The Thomas Guide without flipping pages." - Jack Dunning, ComputorEdge