At 02:04 AM 7/10/04 -0400, wrote:
I posted a few months back offering an alternative to religion in
recruitment: the terminally ill. Yes, that remains valid. As does anonymous broadcasting, eg usenet stego. The essential problem for us sleeper cells is to be able to access the alt.port DB without 1. this being anomolous 2. the posted files being detectable. There's a nordic fellow, Nichols something or other, who has looked for stego'd files in high-bandwidth places. He has not found a babypicture hidden in a diagram of the 1945 plane-into-skyscraper picture I have posted at an alt port with even the tool & passhprase issued. Just FYI. I haven't tried posting a double-message to eBay yet, not really having anyone to communicate with, but it would be trivial. Data -> compress -> encrypt -> encode All your faxes are belong to us. "I read your email" is not just a bumper sticker in Maryland.