nomen nescio wrote(condensed) time be almost here, good peoples. Time to get yours. You know what I and I be talkin about -- no more fuckin around about it. All dem pigs and feds jes be sooo busy wid dem bin Ladens, dey got no time for us simple folks. Time be for I and I to git what we bin waitin for. Git dem muthafuckas dat bin fuckin wid us all dis time. Git dem pigs, git dem judges, git dem bill collectors, git dem banks and take all dat money. Git em all, let God sort dem out. Fuck shit up, any way you ken think of. Git dem assholes what done you wrong, git dem assholes doin everbody wrong If your not some low rent charlie manson,your welcome to drop by and support operation soft drill with some of your booty.Put some money where your big mouth is.