How come there is no organized opposition to fingerprinting everyone in the nation? [U.S.-centric talk, but applies to Britain too] There was just a news report on "KidsSafe", a smartcard for holding kids' health details for an emergency. "Eventually, they won't have to carry the card, we can instantly look up the information from their fingerprints". Excerpts from the Cryptography Manifesto follows... BTW, it's finally online! I need to update it for the past 6 months of activity, but... (scroll down) ---- Fingerprinting everyone in the USA - nay, the planet - is a known plot by the NSA: see (the 2nd) "The Body as Password" below. Are we all going to silently roll over and accept this NSA crap??? It's our tax money, but we NEVER got to vote on it. How about some cypherpunk with money challenging it on the basis shown below of violating Privacy Act of 1974? ---guy Sure, government can give debate reasons for requiring fingerprinting for driver's licenses... But it is still a violation of the minimization requirement of the Privacy Act of 1974. Biometric data on citizens is FAR BEYOND any reason government can give. Notice how no citizens in any state ever got to vote on such an important escalation of personal data collection by the government. Indeed, it seems to be accomplished in the quietest way possible, giving citizens the least amount of opportunity to choose their fate. Odd, since tax-payer paid-for government services is what gives them the power. But elected representatives will do, you say? Did you hear any of them mention it during campaigning? Did Alabama elected officials even mention it with their press release of a new driver's license, despite that being the plan? No. What does that tell you? We need a cabinet-level Privacy Commission, with the power to intervene nationwide. Power to protect us little people from fanatical personal data collection. We are losing it piece by piece. Who would have thought the United States would collect fingerprints from all citizens? This is the main way our Federal Government is rolling out the National ID Card, using a Universal Biometric Card: driver's licenses. Divide and Conquer, state by state. It is the beginning of the end. Don't think the biometric driver's licenses are the exact equivalent of a National ID Card? Check out this phrasing from an unimplemented law: # Privacy Journal, By Robert Ellis Smith, October 1983 issue # # Senator Bob Dole wants the government to conduct a three-year study to # unify federal and local requirements for personal identity. # # The bill, S1706, would amend the Federal False Id Act of 1982, to require # a comprehensive identity scheme for the U.S., either THROUGH UPDATING # EXISTING IDs TO BE MORE SECURE, UNIFYING THEM, or creating a new identity # document for all Americans. Collect biometric information from everyone... law enforcement's Evil Holy Grail. * "U.S. Has Plan to Broaden Availability tests of DNA Testing" * By Fox Butterfield, The New York Times, undated but 1996 implied. * * In a little known provision of the Clinton Administration's 1994 Crime * Control Act was a call for the establishment of a nationwide DNA data * bank like the current national system for fingerprints, run by the FBI. * * In the two years since then, 42 states have passed laws requiring prison * inmates give blood or saliva samples for a "DNA fingerprint." * * In a report today, the Justice Department said it is stepping up efforts * to make such DNA biometric capture "as common as fingerprinting" and that * they expect the test in five years to go from $700 each to a mere $10 and * take only hours or minutes to accomplish. And how much hardware is a handheld fingerprint device? * "Lucent in New Identification Joint Venture" * The New York Times, 5/22/97 * * Lucent Technologies [Bell Labs is their research and development arm] and * U.S. Venture Partners said today that they had formed a company that would * make products to help people prove their identities through electronic * fingerprinting technology. * * The first product of the company, Veridicom Inc., will be a postage-size * fingerprint sensor used to retrieve information, authorize purchases or * allow entry into restricted areas. * * The postage-size sensor will measure the ridges and valleys on the skin * when a finger is pressed against a silicon chip, and then check the * measurements against the user's profile. Not big at all, is it? # "Faster, More Accurate Fingerprint Matching" # By Andrea Adelson, The New York Times, October 11 1992 # # "We think there will be a revolution in fingerprinting," said David F. # Nemecek, a deputy for the FBI's Information Service Division. # # The next step is for manufacturers to make a single-finger mobile scanner # for use in patrol cars. Some FBI cars are expected to get them next year. $ "The Body As Password", By Ann Davis, Wired Magazine, July 1997 $ $ In October 1995, the Federal Highway Administration awarded a $400,000 $ contract to San Jose State University's College of Engineering to develop $ standards for a "biometric identifier" on commercial driver's licenses and $ for use in a centralized national database. A centralized national database of biometric information for cross-state driver's licenses, and all individual state driver's license fingerprints available via the FBI's NCIC. * "Project L.U.C.I.D.", by Texe Marrs, 1996, ISBN 1-884302-02-5 * * News reports indicate that, like California, practically all of the 50 * states are in the process of installing news systems for drivers licenses, * often incorporating biometric measurements such as digitization of finger- * prints. That these systems are linked together gives us an indication of * the powerful grip our hidden controllers have on this nation. * * All federal agencies are being integrated into this data net. These Police * State agencies constitute a clear and present danger, not only to the * privacy and constitutional rights of Americans but to our very lives! * * A Hitler, a Pol Pot, or a Stalin would have loved to have had the * microchips, surveillance cameras, lasers, computers, satellites, weapons, * wiretap circuits and communications gadgetry of today's Dick Tracy Police * State. * * Perhaps FBI Director Louis Freeh said it best shortly after his * appointment to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1993. Referring * to the incredible array of computerized control and battle gadgetry * available to federal law enforcement, Freeh, stressing cooperation * between his own FBI and the other alphabet police agencies, sardonically * remarked, "LET'S SHARE OUR TOYS." * * Dick Tracy, of course, was a good guy. But Dick Tracy would have * recognized as unconstitutional the worldwide comprehensive Orwellian * system that has been installed, and reject it as a menace to true law * and order. ! "Welfare Recipients Lose Benefits Through Glitches in Computers" ! By Joe Sexton, The New York Times, 5/16/96 ! ! The fingerprint-imaging system that is a central element of the Giuliani ! administration's effort to crack down on welfare fraud has resulted in ! hundreds of recipients cases being closed. ! ! The public advocate's office has been inundated with complaints from ! improper case closings. ! ! The failure seems to stem from the local offices not transmitting the ! fingerprints to Albany's central computer. This resulted in AUTOMATICALLY ! TERMINATING BENEFITS OF PEOPLE THE COMPUTER THOUGHT WERE NOT FINGERPRINTED. ---- Prior to the fingerprint "final solution" of control over us, there were other attempts---which would have required a vote---which tried to roll out a National ID Card. * "Project L.U.C.I.D.", by Texe Marrs, 1996, ISBN 1-884302-02-5 * * Since total and absolute control can be obtained only by a Police State * bureaucracy, efforts have escalated in recent years to require a National * ID Card. * * Upon Bill Clinton's election as President, Secretary of Health and Human * Services Donna Shalala and Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy jointly * developed a $100 million plan to require all children and babies to have * a dossier established in a national computer registry to insure "universal * mandatory vaccinations." * * When patriotic Americans rose up to protest, the U.S. Senate quietly * shelved the deceptive Shalala-Kennedy proposal. * * The Clinton administration next surfaced with its mandatory health care * plan. A key component of this plot to socialize medical care was the * requirement of a computer I.D. card for every American, linked to a master * computer network. * * Martin Anderson, writing in The Washington Times: * * President Clinton held the pretty red, white and blue "smart card" in * his hand when he addressed the nation, proudly waving it like a small * American flag. * * Only it wasn't a flag; it was a "health security card"---his slick * name for a national identity card. Under his plan a new National * Health Board would establish "national, unique identifier numbers" * for every single one of us. * * Fortunately, President Bill Clinton's healthcare scam never made it * into law. Sadly, few of the complainers were upset about the potential * for abuse by Big Brother. * * Shortly after being elected, one Clinton advisor promoting the biochip * 'mark' is Dr. Mary Jane England, a member of Hillary Clinton's ill-fated * socialized, national healthcare initiative. Addressing a conference * sponsored by computer giant IBM [IBM's Lotus division takes hand biometrics * of employees who use their childcare facilities] in Palm Springs, * California, in 1994, England not only endorsed the proposed mandatory * national I.D. smart card, but went one scary step further: * * The smart card is a wonderful idea, but even better would be the * capacity to not have a card, and I call it "a chip in your ear," * that would actually access your medical records, so that no matter * where you were, even if you came into an emergency room unconscious, * we would have some capacity to access that medical record. * * We need to go beyond the narrow conceptualization of the smart card * and really use some of the technology that's out there. * * California Governor Pete Wilson has actively stumped for a National I.D. * Card system, using the straw man of California's pervasive immigration * problem. California Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer support * it too. The latest proposal is to mandate I.D. cards for all school * children under the Goals 2000 national education program. Another plan * by the U.S. Labor Department would have required it for all users of a * National Job Training and Employment database. * * George Orwell, in 1984, his classic novel of Big Brother and a coming * totalitarian state, observed that very few people are awake and alert * to the machinations and manipulations of the controllers. Thus, the * people, as a whole, fall victim to a colossal conspiracy out of ignorance * and because of apathy and denial of reality: * * The people could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of * reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was * demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public * events to notice what was happening. [ By Walter Cronkite: "Orwell's '1984'---Nearing?", NYT, June 5 1983 In our world, where a Vietnam village can be destroyed so it can be saved; where the President names the latest thing in nuclear missiles "Peacekeeper"---in such a world, can the Orwellian vision be very far away? Big Brother's ears have plugs in them right now (or they are, by law, supposed to), at least on the domestic telephone and cable traffic. But the National Security Agency's ability to monitor microwave transmissions, to scoop out of the air VAST numbers of communications, including telephone conversations, store them in computers, play them back later, has a truly frightening potential for abuse. George Orwell issued a warning. He told us that freedom is too much taken for granted, that it needs to be carefully watched and protected. His last word on the subject was a plea to his readers: "Don't let it happen. It depends on you." ] * * The National Security Agency's Project L.U.C.I.D., with all its * technological wizardry, is a future, planetary dictator's dream---and a * Christian and national patriot's nightmare. Someday, the Holy Bible * prophesies, that planetary dictator will emerge on the scene, lusting * for blood... * * There can be no doubt about it. * * The REAL Chief Executive Officer of the NSA is not a human being. * * The CEO MUST be Lucifer himself. Amen. ---- It is technology driving the capabilities, it is our government using them ruthlessly: without letting us vote on it. Never before could someone walk up to you and number you by scanning your fingerprints. A number that is yours and yours alone. You have been numbered for all time. No ID card needed once portable fingerprint scanners are deployed all over! If the government suddenly ordered all citizens to be numbered with an indelible invisible ink on their arms so they were permanently numbered; so law enforcement could scan them at will: there would be a revolt. Yet that is what is happening. Fingerprints, scanned into a computer, are a number. The number is inescapably yours. Modern technology means they don't have to put the number on you, they can read it off of you by minutely examining your body. And: it is the NSA driving the fingerprint-rollout of the national ID card. # "The Body As Password", By Ann Davis, Wired Magazine, July 1997 # # Currently housed at the National Security Agency, a working group of # federal bureaucrats founded the Biometric Consortium in the early 1990s. # Its 1995 charter promises to "promote the science and performance of # biometrics for the government." # # Consortium mumbers include state welfare agencies, driver's license # bureaus, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Social Security # Administration, and the Internal Revenue Service. If my attempts to show how bad a thing this is have been too rambling, too abstract, here is a simple and accurate analogy: * "Project L.U.C.I.D.", by Texe Marrs, 1996, ISBN 1-884302-02-5 * * It was Martin Anderson who, in his book, Revolution, revealed that during * the Reagan administration during the 1980s, several top cabinet officials * were urging President Ronald Reagan to implement a computerized National * I.D. Card. * * The rationale for the proposal was that such a system would help put a lid * on illegal immigration. [Reagan had been Governor of California] * * But Anderson, who at the time was a domestic advisor to the President and * sat in on this particular cabinet meeting, spoke up and gave the group * something to think about. * * "I would like to suggest another way that I think is a lot better," he * told them, serious in demeanor but clearly being facetious. "It's a lot * cheaper, it can't be counterfeited. It's very lightweight, and it's * impossible to lose. It's even waterproof." * * "All we have to do," Anderson continued, "is tattoo an identification * number on the inside of everybody's arm." * * His reference was to the tattooing of numbers on victims in Nazi * concentration camps. Survivors still bear the dreaded tattoo markings * to this day. * * Mr. Anderson described the stunned reaction of those present, "There were * several gasps around the table. A couple cabinet members looked as if they * had been slapped. No one said anything for a long time." * * Ronald Reagan, a consummately wise politician who professed a belief in * Bible prophecy, caught the implication [about The Mark of the Devil]. * * He then hushed the cabinet and efficiently dismissed the National ID Card * proposal by sardonically remarking, "Maybe we should just brand all babies." "Those that give up essential liberty for a little security, deserve neither liberty nor security." - Ben Franklin "When ID's are mandatory, it is time to leave the planet." - Robert Heinlein * "Project L.U.C.I.D.", by Texe Marrs, 1996, ISBN 1-884302-02-5 * * In the November 1994 publication of the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, * the FBI advocated BIOMETRIC CAPTURE FOR ALL NEWBORN BABIES AND * SIMULTANEOUSLY THEIR MOTHERS.