Steve Schear wrote:
I agree. It seems a bit like blackmail to me. These 'consultants' would have better off having friends buy put options on Netscape stock prior to the phone call. Then if Netscape won't pay their price they get the money from the market when they make the information public, including the source code. Spare me the insider trading rants.
Good point. Perhaps CNNfn and PC Rag insiders did just that. Maybe even got a few for CaboComm's account. Maybe the insiders at NSCP dumped a few after the negotiations tanked. Screaming "terrorism" for smoke. Isn't it conventional wisdom that the market is churned with with blackmail, greenmail, "terrorist" slaughter of W&O and such, laying down "free market" smoke. Story from Federal pen here is that the WTC bomb aimed to topple the pile onto World Financial Center across the road where the plushest players squat on gold but job-lock TLAs running the op said no-no, just terrify the fats into upping our CT-consulting fees and budgets, like IRA @ London City. Inmate Ian was heard to warn, "Worked like a charm, din it: now shut your hole Youseff about that salted laptop fabbed up St Andrews, Great Malvern."