At 8:12 AM -0800 5/22/97, WinSock Remailer wrote:
The interesting thing is that the envirocrats wanted the land, and the sheriff (who is, BTW, not in jail) got an appraisal on it BEFORE the raid. This case, and not Ruby Ridge, Waco, or The Reichsta...um.. OK City, radicalized me. This man (Donald Scott) did NOTHING to deserve his murder, and the crooks who killed him deserve death.
Indeed. If found guilty of murder, the penalty is death. The official courts appear completely unwilling to prosecute cops for real crimes like this (notice that they tried the Rodney King "assailants" a _second_ time because they didn't like the verdict the first jury rendered...so much for "double jeapardy" in any reasonable sense). The murderers of Donald Scott have not even been charged, a few years after the incident, while a crackhead like Rodney King gets a multimillion dollar settlement...I guess the key is that the white neighbors of Donald Scott did not go on a looting and burning rampage in Malibu. Being that I'm a reasonable man, I would be willing to settle for an outcome in which the dozen ninja raiders each received a 2nd degree murder conviction...manslaughter, depraved indifference, the usual buzzwords. They were, after all, "just good Germans." A nice long prison term for each of them. However, the Sheriff and any other co-conspirators who ordered the raid, apparently with visions of getting a cut of the bounty on the property, would be the one(s) to send to the gallows (or gas chamber, being that this is enlightened Kalifornia).
Yes, and buy components. These will be outlawed before they go for guns as such, in the hope that wear and tear will do their grab for them.
As a footnote to this, an indoor range/store I use (not necessarily the one in Watsonville, in case anyone in Authority is reading this and plans to hassle my friends there) let me know on my last buying spree there that investigators for the BATF and/or other agencies were nosing around their store and asking to see lists of those who had been buying "paramilitary" supplies. The guy who told me this said his store refused to cooperate. Take this as a warning that the Government is extra-legally compiling dossiers and data bases on those making perfectly legal purchases for which no permission or identification is required. (Neither ammunition nor components--except perhaps black powder--require any form of identification or notification to the government.) The BATF is apparently compiling lists just like the Red Squads did (and still do). The balloon is about to go up. --Tim May There's something wrong when I'm a felon under an increasing number of laws. Only one response to the key grabbers is warranted: "Death to Tyrants!" ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, tcmay@got.net 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Higher Power: 2^1398269 | black markets, collapse of governments. "National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."