On Sun, 13 Sep 1998, Declan McCullagh wrote:
On Sat, 12 Sep 1998, Tim May wrote:
* What goes around, comes around. The Liberal puke Democrats who crucified Bob Packwood, Clarence Thomas, and any number of corporate people charged with "sexual harassment," are now reaping what they sowed. "If she says it happened, it happened," the mantra of the feminazi left, is now apparently forgotten by Patricia It's not our business" Ireland.
There's also the idea popular in some gender feminist circles that the imbalance of power in manager-employee relationships makes it impossible for genuine consent to be given. Can there be any greater power imbalance than the president of the United States and an intern? Where are the feminist cries of outrage?
"But Clinton is on their side!" I think the gender feminists are being quiet because they supported Clinton. It all comes down to politics. There are other feminists I know (of the non-politically correct variety) that have very unkind things to say about the man.
* Lawmaking is paralzyed, frozen, stillborne. This I count as a Good Thing. Even better will be another 8-10 months of this nightly spectacle. No Health Care Reform, no Communications Decency Act II, no Tobacco Act, nothing.
In general you might be right. But for "noncontroversial" measures like CDA II, well, it'll be in one of the appropriations bills that will be approved in the next three weeks.
Actually this is *JUST* the time for moralistic political posturing. Expect to see a great deal of "holier than thou" legislation put through under "bringing back morality to America". (And anyone who tries to fight such lunacy will be labeled a hedonistic scum.) It is scandals just like this that fuel the fires of the anti-sex league.
* This disgraces the Presidency, which I also count as a Good Thing. There were hopes that Nixon's downfall would be the end of the Imperial Presidency, but, alas, the pomp and circumstance continued unabated. It's
The balance of power in the U.S. government is too tilted in favor of the executive and federal agencies; I think more should be returned to Congress and the states but don't think we're going to see that happen. To do that Congress needs to be willing to seize it; they're not. If we get Al Gore in the Oval Office we'll have business as usual.
And remember that Tipper is part of that baggage. Expect a moralistic crusade or two from the first lady if that happens. alan@ctrl-alt-del.com | Note to AOL users: for a quick shortcut to reply Alan Olsen | to my mail, just hit the ctrl, alt and del keys.