"Roger J. Jones" <cyber@ibpinc.com> writes:
So, chaining does not seem to be a secure solution. It just makes the process more difficult, but not impossible.
The non-existance of "agents" who would operate a remailer for purposes other than protecting security can not be proven.
Run your own remailer. Tell your friends to run their own remailers. Use one or more of those somewhere in the chain, then you *know* your messages are secure. The software can be found at ftp://ftp.replay.com/pub/replay/pub/remailer
I still seem to be missing something.........
You may want to read the paper "Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms" by David Chaum (CACM, 2/1981). It is available at http://world.std.com/~franl/crypto/chaum-acm-1981.html