Happily a nice, forward thinking Tulsa law firm has done the work for all concerned and interested citizens. <http://www.tilly.com> "Tilly & Fitzgerald is engaged in a general civil practice, including trial and appellate work in all state and federal courts... " Tilly & Fitzgerald employs state of the art technology in the practice of law, increasing the speed and efficiency of our ability to serve client needs. From document assembly to computer graphics to electronic research, our attorneys are able to utilize the power and convenience of computers and the internet to better serve our clients in a competitive environment." Partner James W. (Jim) Tilly, has graciously posted the business, home and spousal contact information for _all_ of his fellow TU Lawschool Class of '79 reunion mateys at: <http://www.tilly.com/tulawclassof79>
The name of the prosecuting attorney is on the plea bargain sent to Brian, copy below.
blah, blah, blah... I believe a prompt resolution of this matter is in everyone's best interest.
Sincerly yours, SHELDON J. SPERLING United States Attorney
...and TU Law '79. Now here a conundrum for Mr. Sperling, Esquire: If your classmate's web homepage <www.tilly.com> doesn't directly link to the page with your home address, home phone, wife's name, etc. then does the fact that Google's spiders and bots finked you out (probably because your dearly beloved classmates linked to the page from their own vanity home pages) constitute intentional unauthorized access to a protected computer system under 18 USC 1030a2C?