On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, William H. Geiger III wrote:
<sigh> I really didn't want this to turn into an abortion debate. I was just trying to show the hypocrisy of the "save the children" crowd.
what I said was that I am _personally_ against abortion; and, yes, I _personally_ consider it a offense against our God; but, I do not go so far as to say it is murder in the social context; I do believe that is not my privilege to tell another they can not commit the sin of "choosing when their legs went in the air"; and, abortion statistics show that the vast majority of abortions are for "mistakes" or failure of birth control. keep in mind, the extreme right has also been campaigning to eliminate the availability of birth control --which then raises the abortion rate... and, if you want to shade the argument, should all abortion be illegal? date rape? rape? deformity? downs syndrome, bifidia? health of the mother? yes, let's drop the subject as there is no solution. few can debate the issue calmly, or even intelligently. I just look at abortion as a fact of society that has been with us for milleniums; you cant stop it any more than Prohibition was successful, or the War on Drugs has been successful. why does the government continue the war on drugs? simple, it's profitable for them in many ways (as the largest vendor, if nothing else). besides, if we want to have a pissing contest, I am as far right as it goes --with one exception: I dont want to change anyone! we call it "free-agency" --them that wish to go to Hell, line up on the left! --or dont, if you do not wish to-- the choice is yours. 'nuff said! attila out... ___________________________________________________________________ three things I dont tolerate: crackers, fed stoolies, and toadies.