----- Original Message ----- From: "Harmon Seaver" <hseaver@ameritech.net> Subject: CDR: Re: Computer detective talks about Levy evidence
he alleges that computer seizure is now routinely done in all criminal cases no matter what the charge. Which is interesting if it's true.
I can tell you it is not true. I have a less than reputable brother (drugs), and he was recently accused of running a small meth lab within whatever the distance is of 2 school, so it's is a very serious accusation. The computer that sits not 20 feet from the alleged location of the alleged meth lab (sorry I honestly don't know the truth, all reports I get are at least second hand) has not been notably touched by law enforcement officials of any kind. So while I'm sure it is commonplace and perhaps standard protocol to confiscate the computer with most crimes, there are exceptions. Joe