A Nomen Nescio lectured:
aimee.farr@pobox.com (Aimee Elizabeth Farr) recited:
Ah. The "look it up" rule. _May's Law_. My recital: -[[We used to hear the expression "Look it up." -[[When a child asks what a word means, "look it up." -[[When someone asks where Borneo is located, "look it up." -[[When a list member asks what a KG-84 is, "look it up." -[[--Tim May May's Law stands for the proposition that one should not aggravate Mr. May.
Of course, you have all watched this battle for many years, so you have a longevity of insight that I don't have. Probably just the same-ole-same-ole to you...
Believe me, you have NO idea.
Then, aimee.farr@pobox.com (Aimee Elizabeth Farr) recited:
I can't figure out if you're irked by amateurish elicitation tactics, or if you're trying to give me lessons in how to do better.
I think you can probably figure it out.
I am receiving tutoring offlist. In the 4000 series.
Ah, I remember the days when I was wet behind the ears on this list.
You are smarter than I am. I'm bleeding all over.
The collision between the law and cypherpunks certainly creates an interesting reaction.
Yes. The PLUNK. -Miss Farr