Tim May said:
This is well-trod ground, even ....
I already know that you always say this. I don't know that it does any good. I'm not going to touch that wild free speech thread.
Lastly, lest I ramble on too much, if there are issues of civil actions in defamation (slander and libel), there are some nice alternatives coming under the rubric of "polycentril law" or "markets for law." In a nutshell, if you want to sue me, contact your protection racket and have them contact mine for some bargaining.
A typo. That should be "polycentric law," as in "multiple centers."
The Maghribi traders, ADR, blinded arbitration, an' all dat: http://calvo.teleco.ulpgc.es/cyphernomicon/chapter16/16.19.html Friedman @ http://www.best.com/~ddfr/Academic/contracts_in_%20cyberspace/contracts_in_c yberspace.htm Now, suddenly free speech and defamation is relevant again, because of it's role in reputation enforcement, at least in ID'd transactions. Nice shot, sir. Now you can say, "This is well-trod ground, even...." Bah. ;-) -Aimee [I'm behind on all my email.]