At 01:16 PM 7/8/96 +0500, Arun Mehta wrote:
India is a large, diverse country with lots of injustice, poverty and other problems. When we analyze what breeds terrorism, we find aspects such as:
- Severe neglect by the government (i.e. problems keep getting worse): For instance, the north east (which is east of Bangladesh, and has a long history of militant opposition) had to agitate for a long time to even get a railway line to connect them to the rest of the country.
this is totally back to front. The primary cause of terrorism, and indeed the primary party guilty of terrorism in India *is* the government. For example the war upon the Sikhs started off with government sponsored terror against Sikh civilians, similar to Krystalnacht. We mostly see terrorism in countries with a large and intrusive government, not in countries like Hong Kong where there is massive government "neglect"
- Disenfranchisement: In Kashmir, most elections were rigged, as the central government pretty much admits now.
Oh wow: So the Muslims of Kashmir were more upset by rigged elections than by the murder of women and children. If that is true, why do we not see terror in Hong Kong (no elections until recently) and Singapore, (rigged elections)
The US delegation, on the other hand, had blacks, different kinds of Asians, Hispanics... and not by design -- the US section leadership is highly "mixed", so they did not have to think about multiracialism, it just happened.
Pull the other leg. They even have a black lesbian quota. US ambassadorships had gay quota even under Reagan, though not a black lesbian quota. --------------------------------------------------------------------- | We have the right to defend ourselves | http://www.jim.com/jamesd/ and our property, because of the kind | of animals that we are. True law | James A. Donald derives from this right, not from the | arbitrary power of the state. | jamesd@echeque.com