Every Day Cash Plan You OWN the copyrights to the program! You sell the program for any amount you wish You are not part of any company, downline or MLM One time fee- $20 Once you buy, I don't forget you- the program includes my support BBS. Any questions or difficulties you encounter, you contact me personally. First question you are likely to ask- is this "junk mail?" Read on to see why it is not another "$3000 in 5 minutes" scam. ----FREE----FREE----FREE----FREE---- REGISTERED version of NetContact Retails for $300 and up This bulk E-mail software will EXPLODE your business ----FREE----FREE----FREE----FREE---- That is all I do! I earn $140, $200, even $250 a day mailing out the exact same sales letter! There is absolutely no catch or crazy gimmick involved here, I promise you. This has nothing to do with any order-based envelope stuffing program, illegal chain-letter scam or worthless multi-level scheme! Why does it work? You OWN the rights, and are free to do with the program as you please. You keep EVERYTHING you make. No boss, no downline. Owning copyrights to any information is a valuable commodity- this is why you will receive around a 50% response rate on your ads. There is not an easier way to make $140 a day than this- if you would like to gain financial independence and success, listen up... I tried every moneymaking plan under the sun. After a couple years of constant attempts at striking it rich, I had done nothing but strike out. I tried multi-level marketing... I failed! I tried chain letters... They failed me! I tried envelope stuffing... Ridiculous! I figured I could afford the $30 or $40 for each of the programs I tried; until I realized not only does that build up, but I was making no money in the mean time. Needless to say, living with no positive income quickly equals debt. Luckily a friend informed me of this program, which turned my finances around. It has come to replace the career I was working towards, simply because I make better money in very little time- leaving me time for more important things, like my family. Here is what my 3 diskette program includes: 1) NetContact bulk mail software- REGISTERED 2) Master copies of my Special Sales Letters that make $140 per day 3) Complete business startup guides 4) Complete instructions and internet access to our secret website As you can see, for only $20, you are getting a complete business system with all the support you need! In the past I have licensed this system for $49.95. Available only for Windows95 and NT. cut here____________________________________________ Please rush me your Every-Day Cash Plan!! Enclosed is the $20 dollar cost. Send $20 cash or check to: HyperReal Box 136 2051 Richmond Road Suite 125 Lexington, KY 40502 Make checks or money orders payable to HyperReal Name_________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________ City__________________________________________________ State/Province______________ Zip/Postal code_______________ Country if other than U.S._________________________________