Peter Trei wrote:
Vince writes:
Press Release Anguilla surpasses US military in code breaking challenge.
The Caribbean country of Anguilla has searched through more than 2,380,000,000,000 code keys as part of the Deschall effort to break a DES encrypted message.
They have not released their source code for independent evaluation. I for one would feel a lot more comfortable with DESChall if there was at least some outside review, even if no general release is made.
Peter, I emailed the DESChall folks about the same time I was accusing them and you and the Swedish (?) guy of conspiring to save the good keys to yourself and demanded their source code, which they sent to me. I read code with the same expertise that Richard Nixon does standup comedy, but I have a girlfriend who dreams in algorithms and she was mightily impressed with the code itself. Unfortunately, they had a problem with hackers fucking with their code and doing interceptions on the data being transmitted back to their site. Since the DESChall folks were so kind as to share their source code (they have modified it, since then) with a self-professed lunatic, I have no doubt that they would not object to a real player in the crypto game (such as yourself) taking a gander at their source code. They may even need some kindhearted soul to help them transport it to a specific platform. If you contact them and they tell you to fuck off, then give me a holler and I'll see if Bianca still has the source from their previous version of the DESChall software. (I think that the changes in procedure they made applied only to the handling of the server/client communications so that Dimitri couldn't add ASCII art to the keycheck results.) Toto http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/carljohn/