Number 14 June 21, 2002

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Pensions unfreeze as Europe expands
Nearly 2,600 British expatriates will soon receive increases to their state pensions if plans to expand the European Union go ahead. Click here to read more

Appeal hopes fade on frozen pensions
Time is running out for Annette Carson, the British pensions campaigner in South Africa, to appeal against the dismissal of her frozen pension test case against the British Government. And fears grew last week that she may not be able to afford to do so. Click here to read more

Offshore finance

Special report on
Offshore funds from The Weekly Telegraph Issue No 568.

Changes in pensions rules present a golden opportunity
Luxembourg's financial sector sees the introduction of EU-wide funded pension schemes as a golden opportunity to boost business and apply their expertise to pensions business. Click here to read more

Secrecy the secret of this good life base
There are several good reasons why British expats might consider a life assurance office based in Luxembourg rather than Dublin or the Isle of Man. Click here to read more

Join the Continental drift
A growing number of Brits are realising that buying a second home abroad is well within reach these days, says Emma Simon . Click here to read more

Expat Living
Repatriating graduating teenagers

The experience of leaving home and starting university has a culture shock all its own. For teenagers who have been living overseas, all the ordinary challenges of entering college may be enhanced by re-entry shock and a basic lack of life skills, writes Robin Pascoe. Click here to read more

What are you: expat, global soul, world citizen, or just homesick Brit?
Some people say 'home' is simply where they feel comfortable - others are happy anywhere, says Jennifer

New from Globalnetwork- Weekly news for Expats and Anglophiles everywhere

The Weekly Telegraph's website has launched a new Weekly Bulletin sent out every Friday (by request only) focussing on issues of interest to readers overseas. Brim full of information, ideas and advice for those living outside the UK or planning to do so; contributions from the Telegraph's Foreign Correspondents and Expat Experts covering a wide range of topics, from Offshore finance to property, relocation, education, career and family issues are seasoned with the wit and wisdom of our readers around the world. Don't miss out, register to receive the next issue of the Globalnetwork Monthly Newsletter and our new Weekly Bulletin today. Click here and tick the Globalnetwork Newsletter Box
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Ted Chen - China; Joan Pike - USA ; Vincent Davis - Australia; Anthony Green - Italy; Desmond Salaman - Spain

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