At 04:11 AM 12/12/00 MST, sunil pandith wrote:
Dear Sir, I am an engineering student. I am interested in real time encryption of = voice using a DSP kit and a stream cipher., Kindly send me the link = where the algorithm is available...
I am in need of the white paper or similar thing, which is going to = explain me the algoritm clearly,
You're an engineering student, and since you're on USA.NET, I'd assume you're in the US. So go to your school's library, and get a copy of books on cryptography - I'd recommend Bruce Schneier's "Applied Cryptography". It's got a bibliography with over 1000 references, so you should be able to use your library to look up more detail about anything that Schneier talks about. You're talking about "The Algorithm" like there's only one. There are lots. Read Schneier, pick an algorithm, and explain your selection to your professor. Think about the security of the algorithm, things you need to be careful of for using it securely, the performance needs of the algorithm, the capabilities of your DSP and programming environment and the things you'll need to do to implement it. How do you plan to exchange keys? Are there algorithms that are designed for that? What weaknesses do they have? How do you plan to test your system, to be sure the data is really encrypted? Also think about how you'll handle the voice itself. What are your input formats? What's your networking environment? Do you need to do compression? How much bandwidth will your network have? How much computational ability does your DSP have? Are there standard algorithm libraries available for your DSP, or will you need to roll your own? What constraints on voice quality do you have? Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, bill.stewart@pobox.com PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639