In article <> writes:
How many people are subscribed to this list right now? How many people have read it before and dropped off only due to bandwidth problems? This list easily generates more traffic than any of the newsgroups I read. If the number of people on this list is
Then use better tools! I easily cope with this list -- and another one which averages 300 letters a day. I set up separate accounts for each list and gateway them into local 'mail.*' newsgroups. Admittedly, if it comes in with your real mail it would be a pain. But I'd rather keep it as email than news just to keep that cretin Sternlight out :-) G === Personal mail to (I read it in the evenings) Business mail to (Be careful with the spelling!) Faxes to An Teallach Limited: +44 31 662 4678 Voice: +44 31 668 1550 x212