This message is being sent to you automatically in reply to the message you sent to with the subject "remailer-help". There is an automated mail handling program installed on this account which will take any message with the proper headers and automatically re-send it anonymously. It is capable of providing a very high level of security if you use the Mixmaster software to produce the messages. You can get the Mixmaster client software from <> (Germany). Please read its manual page and README file for usage instructions. More information about anonymous remailers is available at <>. For an up-to-date listing of anonymous remailers with statistics, see <>. You can also get the list by fingering or You can use the remailer by sending mail to, with the header "Anon-To: address", the address that you want to send anonymously to. If you can't add headers to your mail, you can place two colons on the first line of your message, followed by the "Anon-To:" line. Follow that with a blank line, and then begin your message. For example: ================================================================ From: To: Subject: Anonymous Mail :: Anon-To: This is some anonymous mail. ================================================================ The above would be delivered to anonymously. All headers in the original message are removed. She would not know that it came from Joe, nor would she be able to reply to the message. However, there are a few ways that the true identity of the sender could be found. First, if many anonymous messages were sent, someone could compare the times that the messages were sent with the times that 'joe' was logged in. However, this can be prevented by instructing the remailer to delay the message, by using the "Latent-Time:" header: ================================================================ From: To: Subject: Anonymous Mail :: Anon-To: Latent-Time: +1:00 This is some anonymous mail. ================================================================ The message would be delayed one hour from when it is sent. It is also possible to create a random delay by adding an 'r' to the time (+1:00r), which would have the message be delivered at a random time, but not more than an hour. You can also delay the message until a specific time. For example, "Latent-Time: 0:00" without the '+' would delay the message until midnight (at the remailer site). Times must be in 24-hour format. NOTE: This remailer automatically reorders messages in a large pool, which produces a similar effect. Another problem is that some mailers automatically insert a signature file. Of course, this usually contains the sender's e-mail address, and so would reveal their identity. The remailer software can be instructed to remove a signature file with the header "Cutmarks:". Any line containing only the cutmark characters, and any lines following it will be removed. ================================================================ From: To: :: Anon-To: Cutmarks: -- This line of text will be in the anonymous message. -- This line of text will not be in the anonymous message. ================================================================ NOTE: The cutmark characters in the example are "-- ", the usual e-mail signature separator. If you forget the trailing blank after the "--" in the "Cutmarks:" directive, your signature won't be cut off. Sometimes you want a subject line or other headers in your anonymous message. Additional headers can be written to the output message by preceding them with a "##" line. Multi-line headers with indented continuation lines are allowed. ================================================================ From: To: :: Anon-To: ## Reply-To: Subject: A message with user-supplied headers: the subject extends over two lines Hi there! ================================================================ The remailer can also be used to make anonymous posts to Usenet. To do this, send a message with the header "Anon-Post-To: newsgroups", the newsgroups that you want to post anonymously to. Please note that the group names must be separated by commas (but NO spaces). ================================================================ From: To: :: Anon-Post-To: alt.test,misc.test ## Subject: Anonymous Post This is an anonymous message. ================================================================ When posting test messages, please use the appropriate groups (alt.test, misc.test). The remailer support newsgroup alt.privacy.anon-server is not a test group. A subject is needed for Usenet postings. The remailer writes a "Subject: none" header to the output message if you don't add your own subject. In order to post an anonymous follow-up article and have it appear in a thread, you must set the "Subject:" and "References:" headers of your message correctly. The explanation below has been adapted from the help file ( The subject of your message should be the same as the article to which you are replying, unless you are replying to the first message in a thread, in which case you should prepend "Re: " to the original subject. To build a references header, copy the references header of the article to which you are replying, and append that article's Message-ID. If you are replying to the first article of a thread, it won't have a references header. In that case just use the article's Message-ID as your references header. Be sure to leave a space between Message-IDs in your references heder. For example, if replying to a message which includes these headers: ================================================================ Newsgroups: alt.privacy.anon-server Subject: Re: anonymous remailers References: <5dfqlm$> Message-ID: <5dko56$1lv$> ================================================================ your anonymous follow-up message should begin with these lines: ================================================================ :: Anon-Post-To: alt.privacy.anon-server ## Subject: Re: anonymous remailers References: <5dfqlm$> <5dko56$1lv$> ================================================================ [Note that an indented line in a message header indicates a continuation of the previous line.] If replying to the first message in a thread, with these headers: ================================================================ Newsgroups: alt.privacy.anon-server Subject: Help with PGP Message-ID: <5e96gi$> ================================================================ your reply should begin with these lines: ================================================================ :: Anon-Post-To: alt.privacy.anon-server ## Subject: Re: Help with PGP References: <5e96gi$> ================================================================ The "References:" header can be trimmed to include only IDs from messages that you have quoted from or are replying to. By separating messages with cutmarks, you can send more than one message at once: ================================================================ From: To: Subject: whatever :: Anon-To: Cutmarks: -- ## Subject: message 1 Message one. -- :: Anon-To: Cutmarks: -- ## Subject: message 2 Message two. -- ================================================================ The two messages will be delivered separately, and the signature will be removed. Only one cutmark is used in the example, but you may use different cutmarks in each part of your message if necessary. For added security, you can encrypt your messages to the remailer with PGP. The remailer software will decrypt the message and send it on. Here is the remailer's public key: Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID pub 1000/E7AEC1E5 1995/05/23 Replay Remailer Service <> -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.3i mQCKAy/Bo9QAAAED6NMBE5oNGLqUmZvUZTWBfL41B67EVtDHu5VmqrPLX6w0gk8U lPUNlW/1wACNQAFs/hxKKd0B15d8R7Qk1X7H1KPsdF9AAp8DIBe3MN59Z8iO1dYB GW8YhPg2EXnNAZyVQb/CGhDZhm8naq3wsQynZZu4J7DmVD0VsrLnrsHlAAURtC1S ZXBsYXkgUmVtYWlsZXIgU2VydmljZSA8cmVtYWlsZXJAcmVwbGF5LmNvbT6JAJID BRAvzinRPRWysueuweUBAVpyA+dmx166/op40+nr9OQjahqWHdvLYkKipanaLNM4 u0/U8RrkySEj5n/R0zaJSG4mutZ28DqUEhz7rBHrFRYleENRtiI9TxZZrJVWInE9 No7VwSW9jWlpta2rCfu97EWLdPVPLXmXpd90TONHMk8a7sf/Lz5JFWIIK5PSqI/Z xQ== =5+RC -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- To utilize this feature, create a message with two colons on the first line, then the "Anon-To:" or "Anon-Post-To:" header, then any other commands such as "Cutmarks:" or "Latent-Time:", then a blank line, then the optional "##" line and your additional headers, then a blank line, and then the body of your message. Encrypt this with the remailer's public key. Then send it to the remailer, adding the header "Encrypted: PGP". If you forget this, the remailer won't know that it needs to be decrypted. Also be sure to use the "-t" option with PGP, or the linefeeds might not be handled properly. ================================================================ From: To: :: Encrypted: PGP -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3in hIwCJD7BWgsRsnUBA/9kVuVlhFczhjI5cYFLGEAQiv4fUUlZ+hgPp6SQysToVLTM d0OvWqEb4TJgMREf6pHv4022yRLV6Pb9xaE/Gb82SUZYNE6TvfpxyKbWtRSthPXx OlsLD+IudqvBQus6DoY/9ClbbXyibP6mOCy7gwFZWOy6OMv2O2ZI3ufc/iCpgKYA AAAoLD7rvsI+c/Bod/GKAffpHqN2fimsoXrdcEMhIfN+rSC7PnMmaX1c4w== =afKM -----END PGP MESSAGE----- ================================================================ To confuse possible attackers even more, you can generate some cover traffic by sending encrypted messages with the special "Null:" header rather than the usual "Anon-To:" or "Anon-Post-To:" headers. The remailer will drop these messages in the bit bucket. Any text after your encrypted remailer message is also remailed. This allows sending messages to someone who is anonymous. If you create a PGP-encrypted message to yourself via this remailer, and then give it to someone, they can send you a message by sending the encrypted message to the remailer. The remailer will then decrypt it and send it to you. The message gets anonymized in the process, so the sender will need to include a return address if he wants a reply. Messages sent this way can be encrypted using the "Encrypt-Key:" feature. Any text following a line beginning with "**" will be encrypted with this key. For example, if you put in the plaintext of your PGP message: ================================================================ :: Anon-To: Encrypt-Key: your_password ** ================================================================ The appended message after the "**" will be encrypted with the key "your_password", using PGP's conventional encryption option. It is much simpler to manage these "reply blocks" -- both from the sender's and recipient's perspective -- by using a nymserver. Please read <> for more information (the homepage for, the home of the nymserver software). For greatest untraceability, your reply block can be directed to post to alt.anonymous.messages on Usenet. Since you must use a subject line when posting to Usenet, messages sent using the same reply block will have the same subject. To avoid this, you can encrypt a message digest of the subject using the "Encrypt-Subject:" feature. For example, if you put inside your reply block: ================================================================ :: Anon-Post-To: alt.anonymous.messages Encrypt-Key: your_password Encrypt-Subject: your_other_password ## Subject: This subject is MD5 hashed and IDEA encrypted ** ================================================================ The subject will be converted to a 128-bit number and encrypted with IDEA using CFB mode with the key "your_other_password", and printed in hexadecimal format (48 characters); and the message will be posted to alt.anonymous.messages. The original subject cannot be recovered, only the MD5 hash of it, and then only if you have the password. The resulting subject will be different each time due to the use of CFB mode, so this helps prevent traffic analysis based on the subject header. Decoding the subject (to verify that the message is directed to you) requires special software. A small C program which can do this is part of the remailer distribution, but a more robust application would be appreciated. You can get the remailer source code as ASCII-armored Unix TGZ archive by sending mail to Abuse Policy: I consider the following to be inappropriate use of this anonymous remailer, and will take steps to prevent anyone from doing any of the following: - Sending messages intended primarily to be harassing or annoying. - Use of the remailer for any illegal purpose. Due to the global nature of the Internet, it is the sole responsibility of the orginal sender to determine what is legal. - Unsolicited commercial messages (SPAM). - Complaints to spammers. - Posting lists of addresses to Usenet groups for purposes of soliciting commercial e-mail (spam-baiting). Spammers will be exposed, publicly humiliated, and billed whenever possible. If you don't want to receive anonymous mail, send a message to the operator, and your address will be added to the block list. For more information on filtering out unwanted e-mail, see <>. You can get a list of statistics on remailer usage by sending mail to the remailer with Subject: remailer-stats To get the remailer's public keys, send mail with Subject: remailer-key or finger or to get the public PGP keys of all active Cypherpunk remailers. For a copy of these instructions, send mail with Subject: remailer-help To reach the operator, direct your mail to