****************************************************** MAIL THOUSANDS OF EMAIL MESSAGES PER HOUR - NO KIDDING !! SEND YOUR EMAIL MESSAGES OUT, AT 1,000's MESSAGES / HOUR (28.8K modem) YES, 1,000's Of Messages An Hour ****************************************************** MILLIONS OF EMAIL ADDRESSES ******** $100.00 ******* ****************************************************** YOU'LL RECEIVE 2 HIGH-SPEED EMAIL SOFTWARE PROGRAMS Introducing...."FLOODGATE BULK EMAIL LOADER" AND...."GOLDRUSH STEALTH MASS MAILER" This is the same software that all bulk emailing services use! ---------------------------------------------------- Floodgate Bulk Email Loader Version 5.2 AND Goldrush Stealth Mass Mailer Version 3.215 for Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 now Supports 17 (really more with the free form filter) File Formats ---------------------------------------------------- SEND OUT 20,000+ MARKETING LETTERS EVERY SINGLE DAY! Or...every few days. In fact, when I send out just a few thousand marketing letters each day, it doesn't take long before I'm completely swamped with email inquiries and phone calls. This is very easy to do. And each one of these bulk mailings costs me nothing. I can teach you how to do this and provide you with the tools you'll need. If you've got a good marketing letter, I'll show you how to open the floodgates. You'll be deluged with inquiries, leads, and real sales, using nothing but email alone. Writing a good marketing letter is not easy. I often have to rewrite my marketing letters a half dozen times before I get the results I'm looking for. But once you have a good letter, as you probably know, you can use the same letter over and over again, predictably and consistently, closing sales, week after week, month after month. It takes me about one hour to send my marketing letter to THOUSANDS of fresh email addresses. I can do this, thanks to a Windows program I use. It's called Floodgate and Goldrush Stealth Mass Mailer. It's a bulk email loader and an email software program. If you're interested in electronic marketing, you should know about these programs. PROGRAM #1: FLOODGATE FOR WINDOWS The Floodgate Bulk Email Loader imports simple text files that anyone can download from CompuServe, Prodigy, Delphi Genie, or the Internet. These text files contain classified ads, forum messages, or data from the member directory. Each of these files is filled with email addresses. Floodgate is designed to read these files and strip out the email addresses. It then sorts the addresses, removes any duplicates, and formats them into an output file, with 10, 20 or 30 addresses per line. This is all done in one simple step. Just point and click. You'll need either a Windows based Internet account or an America On-line account to send out your marketing letters. Neither AOL nor the Internet charges to send email. Send your letter to 1,000 people or 10,000 people -- the cost is always the same. NOTHING! NEW! PREPARE A MAILING OF 50,000+ IN LESS THAN A 1/2 HOUR If you open an Internet account, you can send each letter to 20,000+ people. The new Floodgate now directly writes distribution lists. Some people are always collecting new addresses, but if you publish a newsletter or adsheet, you'll be using the same addresses over and over again. That's real power! When using addresses you've previously collected, you can press a few buttons and prepare a mailing of 50,000+ in less than a half hour. (To get a list of all the Internet access providers in your local calling area goto: http://thelist.com and click on your area code.) The Floodgate Users Guide will teach you, step by step, how to download the right files, how to strip the addresses, and finally, how to cut and paste the formatted addresses into your marketing letter. Or, if you have an Internet account, how to create distribution lists. One you've done this a few times you won't even have to think. It's that simple! FOR THE BRAVE & DARING: PUSHING TECHNOLOGY TO ITS LIMITS As you may know, the practice of sending unsolicited email is usually frowned upon, and most service providers have rules against it. But, like jay-walking, there is little enforcement. It's not illegal. If someone tells you that it is, ask them to provide the citation (and don't let them give you some nonsense about faxes - that's not email). They can't do it because it's not there. Sometimes, when a lot of people complain, I get a warning letter. And that's about it. About 1 in 200 will write back and tell me, "take me off the list", which I can do, thanks to Floodgates Remove List feature. Many people reply back thanking me for sending them my informative letter. That's always nice. Most people though, just reply and say, "send me more info." In this way, it usually takes me two or three letters to close a sale. The Floodgate Users Guide will provide you with proven formats for writing a successful marketing letter. You'll test and rewrite, test and rewrite. Then, once you've got it, just push a few buttons, and open the floodgates!!! THE FLOODGATE BULK EMAIL LOADER CURRENTLY SUPPORTS 17+ FILE FORMATS 1. CompuServe Classifieds: Send your marketing letter to everyone who is running a classified ad. I'll teach you how to download all the classifieds from any single ad category. This is one of the most responsive list of buyers. They check their email every day and they're already in business. 2. America On-line Classifieds: Download 1,000 addresses in 15 minutes. These are excellent lists for business to business sales. 3. CompuServe Forums: You can join a forum and download hundreds of forum messages in a matter of minutes. 4. America On-line Forums: Choose from dozens of forums. All good targeted lists. 5. Prodigy Forums: Prodigy allows you to easily export any group of forum messages. More targeted lists. 6. Internet Newsgroups: These are all targeted lists. You'll be able to send your marketing letter to everyone who posts a message in any newsgroup. Easily collect 1,000's of addresses per hour. 7. America On-line Member Directory: Most member directories only allow you to search by city and state. With AOL, you can search by business type, hobbies, computer type, etc. This is the gem of all member directories. Build huge targeted lists. 8. CompuServe Member Directory: This is a major resource. If you're willing to target your mailing to a single city, you can collect about 1,000 email addresses an hour. 9. Delphi Member Directory: The Delphi member directory allows you to search for people based on key words. These are good targeted mailing lists. A single search can easily generate 5,000 addresses. 10. Genie Member Directory: Similar to the CompuServe member directory, only you can download names much quicker. You can easily pull hundreds of thousands of addresses out of each of these member directories. 11. CompuServe File Cabinet: If you run classified ads, and save the responses in the CIM file cabinet, you'll be able to easily reuse these addresses. You can send your marketing letter to everyone in any single folder. Build master lists and clean UP your hard drive. 12. Free Form: If you have a text file with email addresses that floodgate does not support, chances are the Free Form filter will be just what you need. Just enter a key word to search for. 13. CompuServe Form Profiles (Forum Membership Directories): Easy to build targeted lists here. Each search can easily bring you 500+ addresses. 14. Genie Profiles: If you're building targeted lists, you'll get a lot of addresses very quickly from Genie. 15. Plain Addresses: Read Floodgate Master Files back into Floodgate to merge files and do selective mailings. Also useful for the management of email address lists that you might purchase. Floodgate also has filters to allow you to include or exclude any groups of addresses in your final distribution lists. For example, you could include only email addresses that ended in .com or exclude all with .gov. You could exclude all noc, root, and other addresses that almost guarantee a negative response. These filters are fully configurable and can be used together. BUILD REUSABLE MASTER FILES Floodgate maintains Master Files for each of your marketing letters. If you download from the same place on a regular basis, you only want to send your letter to the new people. Floodgate will compare the new addresses with those in the Master File, and prepare a mailing list of only new people. The new addresses are, of course, then added to the Master File. With each new mailing your Master File grows and grows. You may create as many Master Lists as you need. When you start a new marketing campaign, you'll want to send your new letter to everyone on your Master List. If you write a newsletter, each time you send your newsletter, you'll send it to everyone on a Master List. THE REMOVE LIST Very often, people will reply and tell you to take them off your mailing list. Place these addresses in the REMOVE.MST file and they will never receive another letter from you again. In this way, you will be operating your business with the most professionalism possible. DON'T BE FOOLED We have some new competitors that have tried to copy Floodgate. The following list describes why Floodgate is BETTER....... **Floodgate is a mature, bug free product. Not an initial release. **Floodgate comes with over 100 pages of step by step documentation. **Floodgate is the only one offering a money back guarantee. **Floodgate has more testimonials. **Filter for filter, Floodgate offers more capabilities, way more. **Floodgate does everything all the others *combined* claim. **Floodgate is by far the easiest to use. **There is NO *cutting and pasting* with Floodgate. **We have by far, the BEST technical support. SOME QUICK MATH Floodgate can pay for itself in a few days. It can also cut your advertising costs down to almost nothing. Think of what the competition will do when they get their Floodgate program. Don't be left in the dust - there are 75 million people out there, just a few keystrokes away. Let's do the math: - Email 50,000 sales letters (takes about 1-2 hours) - Let's say your product will bring you $5 profit per sale. - Let's also say you only get a 1% response(occasionally higher). * That's 500 orders x $5 = $2,500 profit !! Now imagine what 500,000 letters would do for your business !! WHAT CAN I MARKET ON-LINE? You can market anything on-line using direct email, that can be marketed using conventional postal direct mail marketing. The possibilities are practically endless. If it sells off-line, you can sell it on-line. EASY TO INSTALL AND EASY TO LEARN The Floodgate Email Loader requires Windows. The SUPPLIED MANUAL tells you where to go, what to do, and how to do it. All you need are basic computer skills that can be learned with a little practice or help from our computer savvy technicians. PROGRAM #2: GOLDRUSH STEALTH MASS MAILER Do not get this program confused with other slow speed programs that call themselves "STEALTH". This program is the only one in the world that can send email out at HIGH SPEEDS with one single connection to the internet. This is NEW, Cutting Edge Email Technology. First Of It's Kind.. The Most Powerful BULK EMAIL SENDER In The World.. NOTHING CAN EVEN COME CLOSE! Thanks to our top programmer's, this technology is NOW available and we are the only place you can get it from! *ONLY "ONE" DIAL-UP OR ISDN CONNECTION NEEDED. *NO MORE TERMINATED CONNECTIONS. *NO MORE WAITING TO SEND LARGE AMOUNTS OF EMAIL. *IMMEDIATE RESPONSE TO YOUR MASS MAILINGS. *YOU WILL HAVE ALL THE CONTROL AND CONFIDENCE OF SENDING EMAIL THE WAY IT SHOULD BE SENT... IN HUGE AMOUNTS! *SEND YOUR WHOLE LIST IN ONE DAY, WHETHER IT BE 500,000 OR 5 MILLION - AND JUST SIT BACK AND WAIT FOR YOUR ORDERS TO POUR IN. *NO MORE DOWNLOADING UNDELIVERABLE NAMES. Bulk Emailer's Dream Come True!!! - >>>GOLDRUSH STEALTH MASS MAILER<<< Connect to multiple mail servers (20 or more), make multiple connections to a single server or any combination of the two ( All Simultaneously ) with one single dial-up connection. SEND MULTIPLE SIMULTANEOUS MAILINGS... View complete details about your mailings. Shows each server your connected to, the status of that connection, how many messages are going out through that connection, etc... We show you ALL the tricks all the mass e-mailers don't want you to know... Here are just a few features the GOLDRUSH STEALTH MASS MAILER offers to you... *Forge the Header - Message ID - ISP's will Spin their wheels. *Add's a Bogus Authenticated Sender to the Header. *Add's a complete bogus Received From / Received By line with real time / date stamp and recipient to the Header. *Does NOT require a valid POP Account be entered in order to send your mailings. *Easy to use and operate *Plus much more! All this, at speeds of up to 1,000's messages/hour (28.8k modem). SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE... NOW YOU CAN HAVE BOTH THE FLOODGATE AND GOLDRUSH STEALTH MASS MAILER FOR JUST $499.00! UPDATE ... SAVE $149.05 AND ORDER NOW, BE ONE OF THE FIRST 100 ORDERS! Step up to the plate and play with the big boys TODAY and receive the COMPLETE 2 SOFTWARE PACKAGE for the unbelievably low price of ONLY $349.95! (Other bulk email software has sold for as much as $2,500 and can't even come close to the cutting edge technology of EASE, ACCURACY AND SPEED ... SPEED ... SPEED!) Try the Goldrush Stealth Mass Mailer & Floodgate Bulk Email Loader for 10 days FREE. And receive UNLIMITED technical support for 30 days. ************************************************************** MILLIONS OF EMAIL ADDRESSES MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF EMAIL ADDRESSES CD with MILLIONS of email addresses separated by domain name. All addresses are simple text format one per line. Addresses from the following domains: Pipleline, MSN, MCI, Juno, Delphi, Genie, AOL, Compuserve, Internet, .com & .net, MILLIONS OF THEM! Not available on diskette or download. ===> WANT THE MILLIONS OF ADDRESSES FOR $100.00? <=== Just buy our Floodgate / Goldrush software package (with ALL the bonuses INCLUDED), and the MILLIONS of addresses are yours for just $100.00 additional. These addresses will be delivered to you in simple text files that any bulk emailing program can use, on CD Rom. With this CD, YOU CAN BEGIN MAKING MONEY IMMEDIATELY!!! *************************************************************** ***SPECIAL BONUS #1:*** STOP Losing ISP Dial Up Accounts! If you order The FLOODGATE / GOLDRUSH software within the next 5 days - When you receive your program, you will also receive: *Complete instructions on "how to keep your dial up account from showing up in the header", plus everything you will need to get started doing this. IMPORTANT NOTICE! We will initially only be offering 100 copies of the program for sale, First come / First Served basis only. We are doing this because of the extreme power that these programs offer. ***SPECIAL BONUS #2*** When you receive your two programs, you will also receive: OVER 250 REPRINT AND RESELL RIGHTS REPORTS YOU CAN START TO MARKET AND MAKE MONEY IMMEDIATELY!!! These HOT sellers include: 1) How to Get a Top Rating in the Search Engines 2) 70 Money Making Reports 3) 75 MONEY MAKING PLANS & TRADE SECRETS and MUCH MUCH MORE!!! ($200 RETAIL VALUE - FREE!!!) ***SPECIAL BONUS #3*** With your two software programs, you will also receive our NEW "Address Grabber" utility program that enables you to grab 100's of THOUSANDS of email addresses from newsgroups in minutes ($100 RETAIL VALUE - FREE). ***SPECIAL BONUS #4*** RECEIVE CHECKS BY EMAIL, PHONE OR FAX MACHINE. With this software program, you can receive payment for your product or service INSTANTLY!! There is no more waiting for your customers chec to arrive. This software will no doubt, add to your sales, for customers who don't have credit cards, as well as the impulse buyers. With this software, you can print up your payments as soon as your customer gives you his/her checking information. You will then add the information given, to the proper blank check spaces, then just print and go to the bank!! *************************************************** To get your FREE demo and "test drive" our state-of-the-art software, visit our web site at: http://www.t-1net.com/floodgate **************************************************** HURRY ... RESERVE YOURS TODAY! So, if you are interested in taking advantage of the most powerful bulk email software in the world and start making money hand over fist..... Print out the EZ ORDER form below and FAX or MAIL it to our office. If you have any questions don't hesitate to call us at: 1-954-784-0312 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 386 or larger Windows 95 OR Windows 3.1 with 8 meg ram Extra 5 MB hard drive space Floodgate & Goldrush can be run on a fast Mac with 24 MB RAM and SoftWindows. NOTES FROM SATISFIED USERS "It is everything you said it was. Within one week of my first mailing, I received a record number of orders. All you need to print money is a decent sales letter. Thanks." Randy albertson, Wolverine Capital. "After using Floodgate and your utility program all day today, let me say these are as two of the finest programs I have ever bought in my 52 years! Your support has been superb. Thank You!" Vernon Hale, Prime Data Systems "My first day and I just used Floodgate and Pegasus to send 1,469 sales letters. So far I've got about 25 positive responses. It works GREAT!!! Thanks." Donald Prior "Floodgate is awesome!. I recently started a new business on-line. I stripped the addresses of the AOL & CIS classifieds. I sent out 3,497 email letters and got over 400 people to join my company in 5 days! Needless to say, it pays for itself." David Sheeham, OMPD "I was able to use Floodgate to extract the names from the Internet news groups. It works perfectly. Needless to say, I am very excited about the use of this new technology." Mark Eberra, Inside Connections "This is a great piece of software and an invaluable marketing tool." Joe Kuhn, The Millennium Group "I just thought you'd like to know that this program is fantastic. After loading it on my system, I wanted to test it out. In my first hour of using this, I collected 6,092 email addresses!" Richard Kahn, LD Communications "I just love the Floodgate program. It saves me hours and hours of time. This is the beginning of a wonderful FUN time marketing on-line. Thank you so much for writing this program." Beth O'Neill, Eudora, KS "Your software is brilliant, and from the technical support I've received, I can see you have a genuine love and respect of people...Floodgate is a divine package. Wish I had found it sooner." Tom Sanders, Peoria, IL "I really like the way the Floodgate software package works. It is very easy to use, and really does the trick. It has already saved me an incredible amount of time and energy." John Berning, Jr., Fairfield, NJ "It's going great with FLOODGATE! I like using Delphi. I just collected 50,000+ addresses within 20 minutes on-line." Richard Kahn, R&B Associates ------------------------------------------------- E-Z ORDER FORM: Please print out this order form and fill in the blanks...... Please send order form and check or money order, payable to: Dave Mustachi P.O. Box 772261 Coral Springs, FL 33077-2261 (954) 784-0312 ______Yes! I would like to try your cutting-edge software so that I can advertise my business to thousands of people on-line whenever I like! I understand that I have 10 days to trial the software. If I am not fully delighted, I will cheerfully be refunded the purchase price, no questions asked! Please rush me the FLOODGATE and GOLDRUSH package now! ______I am ordering within 72 hours! That qualifies me to receive the FLOODGATE and GOLDRUSH package at a substantial discount! I am ordering BOTH software packages for only $349.95. (Save $150 off the retail price....Software has sold for as much as $2,499.95) ______I am ordering within 72 hours! That qualifies me to receive UNLIMITED technical support for 30 days. ______I want to receive the package OVERNIGHT. I'm including $18.00 for shipping charges. ______I want to receive the package 2nd DAY. I'm including $10.00 (includes insurance & return receipt) for shipping charges. ______I'm ordering Floodgate / Goldrush software and want to order the MILLIONS of email addresses as well. My additional cost is $100.00 enclosed. ______I'm NOT ordering your Floodgate / Goldrush software, but I want to order your MILLIONS of email addresses on CD. Enclosed is $249.00. (CHECKS: ALLOW 1 WEEK FOR BANK CLEARANCE) YOUR NAME_________________________________________________ COMPANY NAME_________________________________________________ YOUR POSITION_____________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS______________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP____________________________________________ PHONE NUMBERS_______________________________________________ FAX NUMBERS_________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESSES_____________________________________________ ************************************************************ We accept Checks, Money Orders, MasterCard, Visa, American Express. You can either mail your order to us OR fax your order to: 954-572-5837 ************************************************************ Today's date:_____________ Visa____MasterCard____American Express____Discover_______ Card #:____________________________________________________ Expiration date:___________________________________________ Name on card:______________________________________________ Billing address:___________________________________________ Amount to be charged: $________________ Signature:___________________________________________ I agree to pay Dave Mustachi an additional $29 fee if my check is returned for insufficient or uncollectable funds. SIGNATURE: X________________________________DATE:_______________ Please send all order forms and check or money order to payable to: Dave Mustachi P.O. Box 772261 Coral Springs, FL 33077 (954) 784-0312 *************************************************** OR: PLEASE PASTE YOUR CHECK HERE (If you fax a check, there is no need for you to send the original check by mail. We will draft up a new check, with the exact information from your original check that you faxed to us) Please fax the above order form and check to: 1-954-572-583