Julf writes:
it had been my understanding that julf was going to newgroup alt.whistleblowers...
Er... I definitely remember somebody else announcing he was going to create it... Anon.penet.fi (and especially MK II alias penet.anon.com) will definitely support it.
It would seem in keeping with the spirit of alt.whistleblowers for the newgroup to be performed anonymously. Does anon.penet.fi support the control newsgroup? :-) More seriously, why doesn't everyone who knows how and wants the group created simply forge an anonymous creation message? -- ____ Richard Kennaway __\_ / School of Information Systems Internet: jrk@sys.uea.ac.uk \ X/ University of East Anglia uucp: ...mcsun!ukc!uea-sys!jrk \/ Norwich NR4 7TJ, U.K.