At 12:59 PM 6/22/97 -0700, Alan Olsen wrote:
Expect government hand escrow any day now.
You're rather behind the times - we already have hand registration in many places. In particular, California wants your thumbprint, assuming you want to drive. (A couple decades ago, my father-in-law annoyed the Hawaii driver's license bureaucrats by insisting they follow the law. The law required either an SSN or a thumbprint, but the clerks in fact wanted the SSN because it's much less work, and (not that they cared personally) more useful for databases. He gave them the thumbprint. This was before the states were allowed to make it mandatory to provide SSNs; CA wants both now, of course.) Also, there's an obvious extension to gun registration, which is the requirement to provide several bullets shot with each of your guns, so they can do ballistics checks later. Obviously it won't stop unregistered gun trading, and isn't much use for shotguns, but it's a start. # Thanks; Bill # Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts@ix.netcom.com # You can get PGP outside the US at ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/crypto/pgp # (If this is a mailing list or news, please Cc: me on replies. Thanks.)