Lets hope so,its long overdue...
Richard Perle, a former Reagan official who now heads a Pentagon
advisory board.
He told The New York Times that President Bush had to take out Saddam because he had said he would. Mr Perle said: "The failure to take on Saddam after what the president said would produce such a collapse of confidence in the president that it would set back the war on terrorism."
Pretzel head says something,so it must happen!? WTF!
The au defence minister has tipped off Saddam that the attacks next year while half the country doesn't want us to go.
"The Federal Government is struggling to convince the public about Australian involvement in any military action against Iraq, a national poll has revealed.
The survey, carried out by UMR Research, showed less than a third of respondents believed Australia should commit troops to a United States-led offensive, despite the Howard administration's pro-Washington stance."
Meanwhile 2 au citizens,Hicks and Habib are in x-ray,no habeaus corpus.No INALIENABLE human and civil rights.A crime by the US against au citizens.