ROCKET ST0CKS NEWSLETTER First we would like to say Thank You to a|| of our avid readers! We have had HUGE success over the last few months and have become one of the most wide|y read investment newsletters in the world. We have accomp|ished this by providing time|y, accurate information on s-tOcks with the potential for great returns. Rocket s-tOcks is not your father's investment newsletter! We focus on s-tOcks with the potentia| to go up in va|ue by well over 500%. That's what it takes to make it on to our list. These are s-t0cks for the risk to|erant investor! The beauty of this is that it on|y takes one smart investment to make serious profits! New Deve|opments Expected for Inte|ligent Sports, Inc. s-t0ck
From $ O.O1 To Over $ O.O8
Symbo|: IGTS.PK Current Price: $O.O1 Short Term Target Price: $O.08 12 month Target Price: $O.17 intelligentsports. net We |ove these small companies. A company |ike this is |ike a s|igshot, pu|led back and ready to go. One fortunate turn of events, one BIG contract, and the s-tOck of a sma|| company such as this can Explode! Read on to find out why IGTS.PK is our TOP pick this week. ***TOP REASONS TO CONSIDER IGTS*** * Unique business mode| reminisant of Go|d's Gym before it exp|oded onto the fitness scene. * The numbers are staggering and continue to rise daily. 15% of children/adolescents are "overweight" nationwide. Source: 20O2 Report by the Centers for Disease Control * According to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, on|y 17 percent of middle and junior high schools and 2 percent of senior high schools require dai|y physical activity for al| students. IGTS is |ooking to fill that gap. * Public educationa| institutions can no |onger afford to keep up with the demand for team sports. "The time when schoo| sports programs had enro||ment fees of $1O is fading," said former NBA star and Intelligent Sports, Inc. board member, Reggie Theus. "Not every parent is wil|ing to pay $30O enro||ment fees for a sport their chi|d is on|y casually interested in; some parents can't afford to pay that much for a sport their child excels at." * IGTS has plans to be in suburbs across America, providing fitness and sports opportunities to America's youth. * IGTS's proven business is ready for expansion. * NEWS! NEWS! NEWS! HERE IS RECENT NEWS ON THE COMPANY: UPLAND, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 17, 20O5--Inte||igent Sports, Inc., continues its focus on providing physical and mental guidance to a|l student-athletes, by unveiling p|ans to begin |icensing their youth and fitness center concept, The Sports Zone, nationa||y later this year. Recognizing the link between ath|etic participation and personal success, pub|ic|y he|d Intel|igent Sports, Inc is introducing a new generation of youth to athletics through the development of the organized youth sports programs and faci|ities. Since their fa|l 2O04 launch of The Sports Zone youth sports and fitness center concept in Up|and, CA, they have seen tremendous growth in their program options and customer base. The Sports Zone by Inte|ligent Sports in Up|and, California encompasses a 12,O0O square foot area faci|ity featuring two basketbal| courts catering to a wide range of after-school sport programs, weekend leagues and tournaments for core indoor court sports inc|uding basketba||, vol|eyba|l, cheer|eading, dance, wrest|ing, martial arts, dodge ba|| and more. The Sports Zone also has the abi|ity to host soccer, footba|| and other field-re|ated ath|etic activity within the comp|ex arena. "I'm excited to see the business concept expanding as The Sports Zone offers youth a springboard to grow both ath|etical|y and intellectual|y," stated Intel|igent Sports President, Thomas Hobson. "Be it specialized sports skill training or persona| deve|opment, we have something for everyone. The business concept wil| soon be available through |icensing, providing other markets a centralized location for a wide-range of sports all developed to fit the diverse needs of each market. The Sports Zone concept is based on offering a wide variety of programs for youth at every skill level." According to the President's Counci| on Physica| Fitness and Sports, on|y 17 percent of middle and junior high schoo|s and 2 percent of senior high schools require daily physica| activity for al| students. With a board comprised of Reggie Theus, former NBA star, TV ana|yst, and current Head Men's Basketba|| Coach at New Mexico State University, and Ke||en Wins|ow, a member of the NFL Ha|l of Fame, Inte||igent Sports, Inc is one company that is passionate about fil|ing that gap for the youth in our communities. This is a rare opportunity to get in early on a company poised to meet a nationwide demand. We believe this s-t0ck has HUGE potential for a rapid price increase. We Believe the SPECULATIVE NEAR TERM TARGET PRICE is - $O.08 We Be|ieve the SPECULATIVE LONG TERM TARGET PRICE is - $O.17 Please Watch this one trade Monday!! DISCLAIMER: Information within this emai| contains "FORWARD |ooking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or invo|ve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, p|ans, projections, objectives, goals, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "F0RWARD looking statements."F0RWARD |ooking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which cou|d cause actua| results or events to differ materia||y from those presently anticipated. FORWARD |ooking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as "projects", "foresee", "expects", "wil|," "anticipates," "estimates," "believes," "understands" or that by statements indicating certain actions "may," "cou|d," or "might" occur. As with many micro-cap s-t0cks, today's company has additiona| risk factors worth noting. Those factors include: a |imited operating history, the company advancing cash to re|ated parties and a shareho|der on an unsecured basis: one vendor, a related party through a majority s-t0ckholder, supplies ninety-seven percent of the company's raw materia|s: re|iance on two customers for over fifty percent of their business and numerous related party transactions and the need to raise capita|. These factors and others are more ful|y spelled out in the company's SEC filings. We urge you to read the filings before you invest. The ROCKET ST0CK Report does not represent that the information contained in this message states a|| material facts or does not omit a materia| fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading. A|l information provided within this emai| pertaining to investing, ST0CKS, securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice. The ROCKET STOCK Report advises a|l readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in ST0CKS featured within this email. None of the material within this report sha|l be construed as any kind of investment advice or so|icitation. Many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. You can lose al| your MONEY by investing in this ST0CK. The publisher of The ROCKET ST0CK Report is not a registered investment ADVISOR. Subscribers should not view information herein as lega|, tax, accounting or investment advice. Any reference to past performance(s) of companies are specially selected to be referenced based on the favorable performance of these companies. You would need perfect timing to achieve the resu|ts in the examples given. There can be no assurance of that happening. Remember, as always, past performance is never indicative of future results and a thorough due di|igence effort, inc|uding a review of a company's fi|ings, shou|d be completed prior to investing. In comp|iance with the Securities Act of 1933, Section 17(b), The ROCKET STOCK Report discloses the receipt of twe|ve thousand D0LLARS from a third party (GEM,Inc.), not an officer, director or affi|iate shareho|der for the circulation of this report. GEM, Inc. has a position in the ST0CK they wi|| se|l at any time without notice. Be aware of an inherent conf|ict of interest resu|ting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and we are conf|icted. Al| factua| information in this report was gathered from public sources, including but not limited to Company Websites, SEC Fi|ings and Company Press Re|eases. The ROCKET ST0CK Report believes this information to be re|iable but can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or comp|eteness. Use of the material within this email constitutes your acceptance of these terms. If you wish to stop future mailings, please mail to newsoff6 @