[I'm planning to show up Friday morning. Anyone else going? --Declan] ******* READ & DISTRIBUTE & READ & DISTRIBUTE & READ & DISTRIBUTE & READ & DISTRIB DEF CON V Convention Announcement #1.19 (06.30.97) July 11-13th @ the Aladdin Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX DEF CON V Convention Announcement XXXXXXXxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX DEF CON V Convention Announcement XXXXXXxxxxxxXXXXXX X X DEF CON V Convention Announcement XXXXXxxxxxxxxXXXXXXX X DEF CON V Convention Announcement XXXXxxxxxxxxxxXXXX XXXXXXXXX DEF CON V Convention Announcement XXXxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXX X DEF CON V Convention Announcement XXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXX XX X DEF CON V Convention Announcement XXXxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXX DEF CON V Convention Announcement XXXXxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXX X XX DEF CON V Convention Announcement XXXXXxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXX XX X DEF CON V Convention Announcement XXXXXXxxxxxxXXXXXXXXX X DEF CON V Convention Announcement XXXXXXXxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DEF CON V Convention Announcement XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X DEF CON V Convention Announcement READ & DISTRIBUTE & READ & DISTRIBUTE & READ & DISTRIBUTE & READ & DISTRIB The only convention with free beer! IN SHORT:-------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT: Speakers and partying in Vegas for all hackers WHEN: July 11th - 13th WHERE: Las Vegas, Nevada @ the Aladdin Hotel and Casino COSTS: $30 in advance, $40 at the door MORE INFO: http://www.defcon.org or email info@defcon.org IN LONG:--------------------------------------------------------------------- It's time to brave Las Vegas again for DEF CON! This is an initial announcement and invitation to DEF CON V, a convention for the "underground" elements of the computer culture. We try to target the (Fill in your favorite word here): Hackers, Phreaks, Hammies, Virii Coders, Programmers, Crackers, Cyberpunk Wannabees, Civil Liberties Groups, CypherPunks, Futurists, Artists, Criminally Insane, Hearing Impaired. It seems that books about the culture are becoming more popular, so of course reporters are also welcome. You won't be hurt. I promise. Just bring cash for drinks. So you heard about DEF CON IV, and want to hit part V? You heard about the parties, the info discussed, the bizarre atmosphere of Las Vegas and want to check it out in person? You want to do weird shit _away_ from the hotel where you can't get me in trouble? You have intimate knowledge of the SWIFT network, and want to transfer millions of dollars to the Def Con account? Then you're just the person to attend! What DEF CON is known for is the open discussion of all ideas, the free environment to make new contacts and the lack of ego. More people have made great friends at DEF CON over the years than my brain can conceive of. DEF CON is also known for letting the "Suits" (Government / Corporate) mix with everyone and get an idea of what the scene is all about. The media makes an appearance every year and we try to educate them as to what is really going on. Basically it has turned into the place to be if you are at all interested in the computer underground. [Note]----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now last year over 800 people showed up and threw my whole program for a loop. I was thinking 500+ people, but when 800 showed up it got a little crazy for the planning staff. This year I am planning for 1,000. This way I will be able to accommodate everyone and have less logistical screw- ups. I would also like to apologize to everyone last year who had temporary badges for half the convention, etc. I will do all that is possible for maximum coolness, and minimum hassles. Anyway, enough of my shit, on with the details. [End Note]------------------------------------------------------------------- SPEAKERS:-------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the years DEF CON has had many notable speakers. This year there will be more of an emphasis on technical talks. There will be a separate smaller room for break-out sessions of more specific topics. While the talks of the past have been great, it always seems some tech people drop out and general talks fill in. I will load it tech heavy so when people do drop out there will still be plenty of meat left for the propeller heads. There will be some speaking on Friday evening before Hacker Jeopardy, all day Saturday and Sunday. About 20 people will speak, plus smaller tech sessions. If you are interested in speaking or demonstrating something please contact me. Current speakers include: [> Nhil - Windows NT (in)security. The challenge response system, NT 5.0 Kerb security services, man in the middle attacks on domain controllers. This will be a more technical discussion of NT related security. [> Koresh - Hacking Novell Netware. [> Yobie - Emerging infrastructures made possible by Java. He will describe and talk about Java as the foundation for a global, object-oriented distributed network. New concepts and computing paradigms will discussed as well as applications for both applications development or straight-out hacking. [> Mudge - System Administrator for L0pht Heavy Industries. He will present a technical talk on something cool. [> Clovis - From the Hacker Jeopardy winning team. He will discuss issues with security and networked object systems, looking at some of the recent security issues found with activeX and detail some of the potentials and problems with network objects. Topics will include development of objects, distributed objects, standards, ActiveX, corba, and hacking objects. [> Bruce Schneier - Author of Applied Cryptography and the Blowfish algorithm - Why cryptography is harder than it looks. [> FBI Computer Crime Squad - They will make another appearance this year only if I can bribe them with the audio from last years convention. Can I do it in time? [> Richard Thieme - "The Dynamics of Social Engineering: a cognitive map for getting what you need to know, working in networks, and engaging in espionage quietly; the uses of paranoia, imagination, and grandiosity to build the Big Picture. [> Wrangler - Packet Sniffing: He will define the idea, explain everything from 802.2 frames down to the TCP datagram, and explain the mechanisms (NIT, bpf) that different platforms provide to allow the hack. Wrangler has been programming since seven column paper tape. He is a loner with the social skills of a California Condor. He has never been a member of LOD, MOD, or any other group. He has written no books, is not currently employed, and refuses to discuss what he refers to as "that credit card provider thing back when I used to do mainframe shit." His current projects include looking for his next Fortune 100 contract and writing the DEFCON V virus. [> Seven - What the feds think of us. [> Richard K. - Electronic countermeasures, counter espionage, risk management. Should include a demonstration of electronic countermeasures equipment as well as a talk on what works, what doesn't, and the industry. [> Tom Farley the Publisher of the "Private Line" journal, and Ken Kumasawa of TeleDesign Management - Toll Fraud in the 90s: Two perspectives. An overview of phreaking from a hackers point of view and an industry/security consultants point. [> Michael Quattrocchi - The future of digital cash and a presentation about the modernization and state of register-level debit cards; in effect currently throughout Canada. [> The Deth Vegetable - "The Cult of the Dead Cow embarks on a new era of Global Domination for the 21st Century three years early -- if you're not at Defcon this year, you won't be down with the master plan. Important announcements and startling new developments that will affect the entire history of the Computer Underground as you know it." [> Ira Winkler - Real life case studies of successful and unsuccessful corporate espionage. [> Sameer Parekh - c2.net - Why cryptography is harder than it looks, part two. A look at implementation and production problems facing people and companies wishing to develope and distribute strong encryption. [> Carolyn P. Meinel - Moderator of the Happy Hacker Digest and mailing lists. She will preside over a seperate Happy Hacker discussion pannel that will cover the topics of wether or not "newbies" should have information handed to them, or should they learn for themselves? [> Dan Veeneman - Low Earth Orbit satellites are nearing the launch stage, and this talk will cover the different systems that are planned and some of the services they'll offer. A bit on GPS that wasn't covered last year as well as the ever popular question and answer section. [> Hobbit - CIFS is a load of CACA - Random SMB CIFS stuff in Microsfot products. [> Cyber - An overview and explanation of available crypto-tools. What tools and programs do what, when to use them and on what platforms. From someone who has spent lots of time playing around with the currently available set of applications. [> Keith - Has some experience writing firmware for embedded microcontroller applications, and is giving a technical talk on applications of microcontrollers in the h/p community. [> James Jorasch - Hacking Vegas - How to games the gamers. From someone who used to deal with hotel casino security. What really goes on? SCHEDULE:-------------------------------------------------------------------- FRIDAY: Network Setup, Sign in, Informal PGP Keysigning at the "PGP table", Lots of Partying. Capture the Flag Contest Starts at 16:00 On Friday there will be the demonstrations of the Radio Burst Cannon, a "real" rail gun, and an omni-directional cell phone jammer. Times to be announced. 10:00 - Doors open, sign in starts 10:00 - Movies start in main conference room 16:00 - Capture the Flag II starts 15:30 - Round up and head off for demonstrations of HERF, and rail gun madness. Nothing may happen, then again.. 23:30 - 23:00 James Jorasch - "Hacking Vegas" how to beat the system in Vegas by someone who knows it inside and out. 23:00 - 03:00 Hacker Jeopardy Starts. SATURDAY: 10:00 - 10:50 Richard Thieme - The Dynamics of Social Engineering. 11:00 - 11:50 Yobie - Emerging infrastructures made possible by Java. 12:00 - 12:50 Clovis - issues with security and networked object systems. 13:00 - 13:50 FBI Computer Crime Squad - 14:00 - 14:50 Deth Veggie - Global Domination, cDc style. 15:00 - 15:50 Seven - What the feds think of us. 16:00 - 16:50 Richard K. - 17:00 - 17:50 Tom Farley and Ken K. - Toll Fraud in the 90s: Two perspectives. Saturday Breakout Tech Sessions: Koresh - Novell issues. Mudge - Secure Coding. Hobbit - Why CIFS is CACA. Nihil - NT security issues. Wrangler - Packet Sniffing. Keith - firmware for embedded microcontroller applications. 24:00 (Midnight) Final rounds of Hacker Jeopardy. SUNDAY: 10:00 - 10:50 Ira Winkler - Industrial Espionage. 11:00 - 11:50 Sameer - Why cryptography is harder than it looks, part two. 12:00 - 12:50 Cyber - An overview and explanation of available crypto-tools. 13:00 - 13:50 Carolyn Meinel - Happy Hacker Panel. 14:00 - 14:50 Michael Q. - The future of digital cash. 15:00 - 15:50 Dan Veeneman - Low Earth Orbit satellites. Sunday Breakout Tech Sessions: Happy Hacker track Panel: "The Newbie Experiments" Moderator is Carolyn Meinel, author of the Guides to (mostly) Harmless Hacking series. Other panel members are: - Matt Hinze, editor of the Happy Hacker Digest. - Bronc Buster, who runs a Web forum, IRC server and the New Buckaroos Web site for his fast-growing band of newbies. - Mark Biernacki of Shellonly.com will talk about this new ISP which is designed to make it easy for newbies to learn to hack. Just say "Telnet port 22!" - Jericho, who will hold forth on "Let the newbies fend for themselves." We will allow each panel member to open with a brief presentation of his or her work, followed by debate first among panel members, followed by Q&A from the audience. We expect some intense debate:-) Then if the Aladdin hotel hasn't yet been demolished yet by riots, we will continue with a series of individual presentations: - Jon McClintock, editor of Happy-SAD (Systems Administrator Digest) will demonstrate how to install Linux. - Bronc Buster will hold forth on the Windows 95 denial of service programs his Web site offers. - Carolyn Meinel will demonstrate how to read email headers, create, and decipher forged email. Breakout Tech Sessions: 16:00 Awards for Capture the Flag End of it all, cleanup, etc. See you all next year! EVENTS:---------------------------------------------------------------------- [> HACKER JEOPARDY: Winn is back with Hacker Jeopardy!! The third year in the running! Can the all-powerful Strat and his crypto-minion Erik, whose force cannot be contained, be defeated?! Will the powers that be allow Strat-Meister to dominate this beloved event for the third year in a row?! Can Erik continue to pimp-slap the audience into submission with a spoon in his mouth?!? Only Skill, Time, and booze will tell the tail! The Holy Cow will help supply the beer, you supply the answers. The first round starts at 12 midnight o'clock on Friday and lasts until it is done. The second and secret rounds will happen Saturday at midnight. 6 teams will be picked at random and compete for the final round. There can be only one! Strat's Team, the winners from last year will defend if all the members can be found. [> FREE BEER! Holy Cow will provide free beer tickets! If you are over 21 prepare to consume "hacker" beers. Actually it's whatever beer they have on tap, but it's the best beer in Las Vegas. Follow Las Vegas Blvd. up until you see the florescent cow with the big sunglasses. All taxi drivers know of this Mecca. Over 1,000 free beers in all! [> BLACK AND WHITE BALL: We've talked it over, and the verdict is in. For the last two years at DEF CON there has been a sort of unspoken Saturday night dress up event. People have worn everything from party dresses and Tuxedoes to AJ's ultra pimp Swank outfit with tiger print kilt. This year it is official. Wear your cool shit Saturday night, be it gothic or PVC vinyl or Yakuza looking black MIBs. No prizes, just your chance to be the uber-bustah pimp. [> THE TCP/IP DRINKING GAME: If you don't know the rules, you'll figure 'em out. [> CAPTURE THE FLAG: ALL NEW, ALL IMPROVED, MORE CONFRONTATIONAL, 1997 ILLUMINATI INVITATIONAL, CAPTURE THE FLAG, HACKER STYLE. The goal is to take over everybody else's server while protecting your own. To cut down on lag time and federal offences we're providing a playing field of 5 flag-machine networks connected by a big router in the middle. The rules: 1) No taking the network down for more than 60 seconds. 2) No taking any flag machine (including your own) down for more than 3 minutes. 3) In order to be counted in the game, a team's flag machine must - be directly connected to the network; - have a text file flag on the machine readable by at least 2 accounts, - keep at least 3 *normal* services running in a way that a client could actually get their work done using them. - run a web server if technically possible. 4) No goonery/summoning of elder gods/Mickey Finns/physical coercion... you get the idea. ( You had the idea, but we're trying to prevent you from using it. ) The field of play : Each network will have a "server" of some kind on it, called the flag machine. At the start of the game, these servers will be stock installations a lot like what you'd see on the average academic/secret cabal/military/megacorp network. Each of these machines will have a PGP private key, named root.flag, and a web server. There will also be a machine to provide DNS, called the scoreboard. Teams: Teams can be one human or more. In order to be a team, you have to generate 20 256bit PGP key pairs, have a DEFCON goon pgp-sign them and put the public keys on the scoreboard webserver. We'll generate a hundred key pairs in advance, so the first five teams can just grab a floppy disk (if they're trusting). To prove that you've hacked a flag machine, PGP - sign a message with the root.flag from the hacked machine, then with one of your own. Post the doubly-signed message on the scorekeeper web server, and you've captured that flag (and invalidated the captured root.flag). When you've captured a flag, decide between conquest and condescension: either take over the server yourself, or hand it back to its not-so-eleet owners. To conquer, put one of your PGP private keys on the captured server to become the next root.flag. (Of course, you have to properly secure the server to maintain your new territory.) To condescend, just wait until the original owners see their shame spread across the scoreboard. (It would sure be a pity if they had to put up a new key before they figured out how you got in last time, wouldn't it?) Two Ways to Win: #1 EVIL EMPIRE: Whoever has the most servers responding with their teams' private keys at the end wins. #2 PIRATE: Fabulous prizes will also be given to whoever racks up the highest total number of flags captured. Rough game mechanics (why is everyone so untrusting?): Once every 5 minutes or more, the scoreboard machine will post a plaintext challenge. Every team that claims to own a server has to PGP-sign that challenge with the private key registered for that server and post the signed version on their machine. If a server can't respond within 3 minutes, then nobody owns it, and it's fair game to be taken back over by the goons. Specific rules will be available in print at DefCon before the game begins. This was a message from The People [> QUAKE COMPETITION: http://www.ctive.com/ntech/defcon.htm This year knightPhlight contacted me and wanted to organize a single elimination Quake competition to find out who that badest ass 'mo 'fo is. Check out the web site to get the rules, sign up, or to donate a computer the greater good of destruction. It is IMHO that Quake by id Software rules 3D action gaming. But who rules Quake? We'll find out this July 11th-13th at the DefCon Conference in Las Vegas. This isn't going to be a networked game intent on quickly eliminating as many players as possible in a single round. Rather, one-on-one games will be played to absolutely determine who the best really is. Of course, you already know your the best so why would you feel obligated to prove it? Because we'll give the first place winner $750. Now, being the wily person you are, I bet you would like to know where I got the money for the prizes. It'll come from your registration fee of $7.50. Any half wit can do the math and see the 10,000% return for the winner. But just for entering you'll be in a drawing for really kewl stuff. If you don't think its kewl you can just give us your email address and we'll be happy to send you a couple hundred thousand messages explaining why the prizes are great. [> NET CONNECTION AND TOPOLOGY: DefCon 5 Network Plan (v.99) Telecommunications ------------------ Media Type: T1 ESF/B8ZS (not D4/AMI) Service Provider: Las Vegas Digital Internet Telco: Sprint Equipment needed Equipment on-hand ---------------- ---------------------------------------------- CSU/DSU Verilink AS2000's with NCC 2301 cards (JC) Router Cisco 2501 (Lock) Net Admin server (Lock ) 10bT Hubs 16-port from Lock - need more to populate the room 10bT Cable (miles) Everybody bring their own - will need some extra to link hubs Network Services: ----------------- Web Server CU-reflector RealAudio Server IRC server? This year we are pre-building many of the network boxes so the net can go up first thing Friday. It looks like we will have a T1 line and we will break it out to 10 BaseT hubs. If you want in on the network bring along the appropriate cables and adapters. More Net Madness! The T1 bandwidth will allow us to do the following cool stuff: - Have several color quickcams and a CU-SeeMe reflector site set up so people not at the con can check out what's going on. During the convention check out the DEF CON web site to get the location of the reflector site. You should get and install the software needed to view CU-SeeMe streams in advance! - Have a RealAudio server set up to stream the speakers talks to those who can not attend. - Potentially play a competitive multi user game(s) over the net. NOTE! If you wish to participate interactively with the convention please e-mail me and we can coordinate something. It would be great to get people from all over the world involved. [> 5th ANNUAL SPOT THE FED CONTEST: The ever popular paranoia builder. Who IS that person next to you? "Like a paranoid version of pin the tail on the donkey, the favorite sport at this gathering of computer hackers and phone phreaks seems to be hunting down real and imagined telephone security and Federal and local law enforcement authorities who the attendees are certain are tracking their every move.. .. Of course, they may be right." - John Markhoff, NYT Basically the contest goes like this: If you see some shady MIB (Men in Black) earphone penny loafer sunglass wearing Clint Eastwood to live and die in LA type lurking about, point him out. Just get my attention and claim out loud you think you have spotted a fed. The people around at the time will then (I bet) start to discuss the possibility of whether or not a real fed has been spotted. Once enough people have decided that a fed has been spotted, and the Identified Fed (I.F.) has had a say, and informal vote takes place, and if enough people think it's a true fed, or fed wanna-be, or other nefarious style character, you win a "I spotted the fed!" shirt, and the I.F. gets an "I am the fed!" shirt. NOTE TO THE FEDS: This is all in good fun, and if you survive unmolested and undetected, but would still secretly like an "I am the fed!" shirt to wear around the office or when booting in doors, please contact me when no one is looking and I will take your order(s). Just think of all the looks of awe you'll generate at work wearing this shirt while you file away all the paperwork you'll have to produce over this convention. I won't turn in any feds who contact me, they have to be spotted by others. DOUBLE SECRET NOTE TO FEDS: This year I am printing up extra "I am the Fed!" shirts, and will be trading them for coffee mugs, shirts or baseball hats from your favorite TLA. If you want to swap bring along some goodies and we can trade. Be stealth about it if you don't want people to spot you. Agents from foreign governments are welcome to trade too, but I gotta work on my mug collection and this is the fastest way. [> RAIL GUN DEMONSTRATION: (Friday) On Friday afternoon there will be a demonstration of a hand held rail gun. This garage project should be able to fire a graphite washer very, very fast. [> OMNIDIRECTIONAL CELL PHONE JAMMER DEMONSTRAITON: (Friday) Another interesting creation to be tested on Friday in the desert. Come along and watch you cell phone antenna explode with power! See control channels crumble before you. [> RADIO BURST CANNON DEMONSTRATION: (Friday) While not quite a HERF gun, this should come close. The RBC should be able to produce up to or less than one MegaWatt for up to or less than one second. What will this do? Who knows! Come and find out. Obviously the above demonstrations will take place away from the local hospitals and casinos out in the desert someplace, so be prepared. HOTELS:---------------------------------------------------------------------- [> Book your room NOW!!! We have a block of rooms, but it is first come, [> first served. Rooms get released about one month before the convention. [> Book by June 9th or risk it. The room rates are quite cool this year. PRIMARY HOTEL: The Aladdin Hotel and Casino 3667 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas, Nevada Built in 1966 it is one of the oldest hotels in Las Vegas that hasn't been blown up to make room for newer ones. It is quite nice and has Tennis courts, two swimming pools, Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean. A Seafood and steakhouse, Joe's Diner and a 24 hour coffee shop too. It's located next to the MGM Theme park on the strip. PHONE: 1-800-634-3424, reference the "DC Communications conference" for reservations. 702-736-0222 RATES: Single & Double rooms are $65 in the Garden section, $85 for the Tower. Suites are $250 to $350. All costs are plus 8% room tax. Rollaway beds are available for an additional $15 a night. STUFF IN VEGAS:-------------------------------------------------------------- URLs Listings of other hotels in Las Vegas, their numbers, WWW pages, etc. http://www.intermind.net/im/hotel.html http://vegasdaily.com/HotelCasinos/HotelAndCasinos/CasinoList.html VENDORS / SPONSORS / RESEARCH:----------------------------------------------- If you are interested in selling something (shirts, books, computers, whatever) and want to get a table contact me for costs. If you have some pet research and you want to have the participants fill out anonymous questioners please contact me for the best way to do this. If you want to sponsor any event or part of DEF CON V in return for favorable mentions and media manipulation please contact me. For example in the past Secure Computing has sponsored a firewall hacking contest. MORE INFO:------------------------------------------------------------------- [> DEF CON Voice Bridge (801) 855-3326 This is a multi-line voice bbs, VMB and voice conference system. There are 5 or so conference areas, with up to eight people on each one. Anyone can create a free VMB, and there are different voice bbs sections for separate topics. This is a good neutral meeting place to hook up with others. The Voice bridge will be changing numbers soon, but the old number will refer you to the new location. The new spot won't suffer from "Phantom" bridges! [> MAILING LIST send emial to majordomo@merde.dis.org and in the body of the message include the following on a separate line each. subscribe dc-stuff dc-announce is used for convention updates and major announcements, dc-stuff is related to general conversation, planning rides and rooms, etc. [> WWW Site http://www.defcon.org/ Convention updates and archives from previous conventions are housed here. Past speakers, topics, and stuff for sale. Also a growing section of links to other places of interest and current events. [> The Third Annual California Car Caravan to DEF CON! http://www.netninja.com/caravan There are also some resources (links to other web sites and text files) generally related to DefCon--not specifically the California Caravan. These resources are available at: http://www.netninja.com/caravan/resources.html [> The DEF CON V Car ride sharing page: Use this site to arrange ride sharing to the convention from all over North America. If you can spare a seat for someone, or need to leech a ride go to the ride sharing page set up by Squeaky. http://garbage.bridge.net/~defcon/defcon.html [> EMAIL dtangent@defcon.org Send all email questions / comments to dtangent@defcon.org. It has been said that my email is monitored by various people. If you want to say something private, please do so with my pgp key (At the bottom of this announcement) I usually respond to everything, if not I'm swamped or had a system problem. [> GIVE ME MONEY! SNAIL MAIL PRE-REGISTRATION Send all written materials, pre-registrations, etc. to: DEF CON, 2709 E. Madison, Seattle WA, 98112 If you are pre-registering for $30 please make payable to DEF CON and include a name to which you want the registration to apply. I don't respond to registrations unless you request. DO YOU WANT TO HELP?--------------------------------------------------------- Here is what you can do if you want to help out or participate in some way: Donate stuff for the continuous giveaways and the various contests. Got extra ancient stuff, or new cool stuff you don't use anymore? Donate it to a good cause! One person was very happy over winning an osborne "portable" computer. ORGANIZE sharing a room or rides with other people in your area. Join the mailing list and let people know you have floor space or some extra seats in your car. Hey, what's the worst that can happen besides a trashed hotel room or a car-jacking? CREATE questions for hacker jeopardy (you know how the game is played) and email them to winn@infowar.com. No one helped out last year, so this year let's try. Everything from "Famous narks" to "unix bugs" is fair game. BRING a machine with a 10bt interface card, and get on the local network, trade pgp signatures, etc. FINAL CHECK LIST OF STUFF TO BRING:------------------------------------------ From: Enigma Here is a list of items to bring to DefCon. These are only suggestions. Your mileage may vary. :) Items to bring to DefCon ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ Clothing - Comfortable shirts and pants/shorts - Socks, underwear, etc - Bathing suit - Toiletries (deodorant, toothbrush, comb, hair spray,..., giant tub of hair grease, Oxy pads, etc) - An extra towel (don't leave home without it. Anyway, doesn't it always seem that you run out of clean towels in the bathroom?) - Something cool, hip, pimp-o-matic, or ninja-riffic to wear Saturday night at the Black and White Ball You can skip the deodorant and extra clothing if all you are going to do is play "Magic: The Gathering" and "Quake." Everyone else does. Stuph - Your shades. Vegas is hot. The sun is bright. 'Nuff said. (If you wear eye glasses, I hear the clip-on, flip-up sunglasses are quite the fashion statement) - Sunscreen of at least SPF 100. After spending hundreds of hours in front of the monitor, who needs the sun to ruin their ghostly white tan? - A hat--preferably with a cool logo or catchy phrase like "Gandalf Routers," "Netscape," "Microsoft [with "sucks" scrawled below it in permanent marker]", "I [heart] [insert government institution: Cops, Feds, etc]"...you get the idea - Note book, palmtop, or laptop to take notes on during the speeches - [Micro]casette recorder to record the speeches (or everyone getting drunk in your room Saturday night, not knowing what they are saying, with no hope of remembering it...excellent blackmail material!) - Camcorder (see above...<>) - Digital camera--for all of the above reasons PLUS you can instantly upload the images through the T1 onto the net - Fake ID for all of you under 18/21 - Fake ID for everyone else, if you're planning something illegal - Your best jokes (Nooooo! Not the superman joke! Not the pink joke) - Your best hacking stories...these are all about something "your friend" did, aren't they? You wouldn't admit to doing anything illegal, now, would you? - Someone else's--oops, I mean "your" credit card numbers Fun - Your drug(s) of choice -- From caffeine to pot to speed to acid - Zippo and extra fuel. And while you're at it, put an extra flint (assuming you can find one in the back of your junk drawer) in the bottom. You always run out at just the wrong time. - Extra smokez (Splurge: get some cigars or cloves for the weekend) - Leather - Handcuffs and chains, nipple clamps, etc. - Saran wrap, duct tape, electrical tape, gaffer's tape - Candles (the drippy kind) - Incense - Oils - Your copy of "The Pocket Kama Sutra" (ISBN 0-7894-0437-0) - That corn starch and water "slime" that Light Ray (I believe) and others believed to be the ultimate thing, several DefCon's back. Tech - Laptop w/ Ethernet card - Extra laptop battery - A zip drive with a stack of disks containing all your soooper k-rad haxing utilities and g-files - 10bt/10b2 cabling - A small hub - You did remember to put a packet sniffer on your zip disk, right? Just checking. - Every power cord you could possibly need - A serial cable with a plethora of adapters so you can get each end to be male/female, 9pin/25pin, null-modem/straight - Cable to connect the above mentioned digital camera to the laptop - Scanner (modded, of course) - Frequency counter (I hear the "Scout" is pretty good) - HAM radio. Any band, any frequency. You didn't modify it to transmit on arbitrary frequencies, did you? Naughty monkey! - An assortment of tuned antennas - That zip disk has the FCC frequency allocations on it, right? - Your uber-elite organizer (the DOS based HP palmtops are quite cool) to collect handles and email addresses from people - High energy weapons ("Is that an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on your back?" "No, it's just a HERF gun." "Oh.") - Laser pointer (don't get kicked out of the hotel again, youz doodz) - Your "white courtesy phone" that you stole from the Monte Carlo last year - A microbroadcasting station with plenty of tuneage - Your lock picks or lock picking gun - A pocket-sized tool kit containing a modular screwdriver and plenty of attachments (flathead, philips, torx, hex, etc) - A pocket knife, pliers and wire cutters--or alternatively a Leatherman's tool - Hell, while you're at it: why not some bring bolt cutters, a sledge hammer, and a hack saw? - Telephone handset with alligator clips. Or, if you're uber- 31337, you have a lineman's butt set (with the serial number and telco logo filed off) - Bubble gum or epoxy putty--anything maleable and hardens. This is good for fixing hoses under the hood of your car. It's also useful to jam mechanical sensors (What would happen if the microwave always though it's door was open? Or if the elevator always thought there was someone blocking the path of the door? Wouldn't hotel security be pissed if they couldn't get into their security room because someone jammed a toothpick into the keyhole with krazy glue?) - An alabi - Spam - Multimeter - Cordless electric soldering iron - Parts box MY PGP KEY:------------------------------------------------------------------ -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.1 mQCNAy6v5H8AAAEEAJ7xUzvdRFMtJW3CLRs2yXL0BC9dBiB6+hAPgBVqSWbHWVIT /5A38LPA4zqeGnGpmZjGev6rPeFEGxDfoV68voLOonRPcea9d/ow0Aq2V5I0nUrl LKU7gi3TgEXvhUmk04hjr8Wpr92cTEx4cIlvAeyGkoirb+cihstEqldGqClNAAUR tCZUaGUgRGFyayBUYW5nZW50IDxkdGFuZ2VudEBkZWZjb24ub3JnPg== =ngNC -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----