JAT wrote...
You keep asserting this, but at the same time fail to provide an example. Please show how flying "can easily be a requirement, not an option". One legitimate example will suffice.
Later. (Actually, I didn't 'keep asserting this', but that's a separate matter)
So, your position is that we should not take action now, because we may have to take the same action later?
Well, that's a good point...I think I viewed your previous analysis on a more philosophical level (because that's how it was phrased), but when you put it this way it starts to make some sense. In other words, avoiding travel whenever possible will (when added to sheeple starting to do the same because of all the terible screening stories) eventually start putting some squeeze on the airlines. (But then again, DC has plenty of our tax dollars ready to bail out an incompetent set of airline managers.) It won't hurt at least. As for the former, I am suprised you even need examples...asking for them weakens your main point. There are plenty of examples to be had, and I'll give you an easy one. You're a hot looking, leggy and not super-bright saleschick that ALWAYS makes the sale in person (read: Big Bonuses), and much less frequently over the phone (read: failed sales quotas and eventual layoff). Your territory is "Northwest" meaning Oregon, NO Cal, Washington, Vancouver, and lots of those weird states over there like Idaho and whatnot. You can't possibly drive fast enough to make all your meetings in your territory. Will you... 1) Phone it in 2) Do some kind of lameass video conferencing 3) Fly 4) Get a job at McDonalds tiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktiktik RIIIIING! Times up...