This raises the question of what kind of ruses might be used on others to get them to come out of their fortresses or undo the security system. Here are some that have worked with mafia, terrorists, embezzlers, serial killers, war criminals, dissidents: 1. An interview with a high-profile person or forum. (And sex.) 2. Secret meeting with long-trusted comrade(s). (And sex.) 3. Foray to repair power, water, communication systems. (And sex.) 4. Haircut and massage. (And sex.) 5. Narcotics and/or liquor. (And sex.) 6. Arms replenishment. (And sex.) 7. A wedding of a beloved friend or relative. (And sex.) 8. Medical treatment. (And porno resupply and viagara.) 9. As last resort Mercopan under the door. (Then back to horny hole-up.) All these are used in war time to lure soldiers to their doom Moles and snipers are especially prone.