hallam@Etna.ai.mit.edu writes:
PS, I don't recommend that people read the works of the late Cato Institute staffer mentioned. There are better authorities than the speechwriter of Barry Goldwater.
Karl Hess Jr (PhD). wasn't Barry Goldwater's speechwriter. His father was. His father didn't have a PhD -- indeed, he never attended a state run school past his early teenage years. Karl Hess senior also was never a Cato instutute staffer -- to my knowledge, his son is not on the staff of the Cato institute either. Its astounding how many inaccurate comments you can pack into a brief space. Dr. Phill Hallam-Baker, D.Phil (one wonders how a doctor of philosophy differs from a PhD since that is also a doctor of philosophy) seems to spew random inaccuracies left and right. Perry