Hi, nomenisco You recently were asked to verify your email address(es) with Yahoo!. You will receive one email per unverified address. Please follow the instructions below to complete the verification process. If you did not request this message, or believe you have received it in error, please skip to the instructions at the end of this mail. TO VERIFY THIS ADDRESS (cypherpunks@toad.com): 1. If your email reader will allow you to click on links, click the following link. If not enter the url into your browser: http://verify.yahoo.com/v/recv?X61bf 2. When the page appears in your browser, check if that the Confirmation Code box matches the one below, if it does not, change it accordingly: *************CONFIRMATION CODE**************** X61bf *************CONFIRMATION CODE**************** 3. Next enter your Yahoo! Password in the space provided. 4. Then on that page, click the "Verify My Account" button. IS THIS NOT YOUR ACCOUNT? If you did not request this verification, you can click the link below to remove this email address from this account. http://verify.yahoo.com/v/remove?.k=X61bf&.lid=HQzg8RujRKgT8UY4 Regards, Yahoo! Support Team