Jeezus guys, get a clue. You can't pull the same stunt twice, whether its a 'normal' hijacking which turns out to be different (so much for passenger compliance..), or the latest social-engineering virus trick. The rubes *do* learn.
This is the end of "normal hijacking". They spoiled it for everyone. The first thing a "normal hijacker" has to do now is convince everyone that he is ... normal. I am not aware of any protocol that would ensure this. [ Maybe island states should offer their airports as receiving points for normal hijacking, for a fee that is. And hijacking can happen only on designated route portions, from which the plane can be diverted to a pre-defined NHTP (normal hijacking termination point) or it will be destroyed. Entering and leaving these segments will be announced over the aircraft's PA ("This is the first opportunity to normally hijack the aircraft. Please be advised that you have exactly 17 minutes to do so. If you have any questions our staff will be glad to assist you.") NHTPs will be filed with every flight plan and approved in advance. ] ===== end (of original message) Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows: __________________________________________________ Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help? Donate cash, emergency relief information