On Fri, 30 May 1997, Paul Pomes wrote:
The wider circulation is due to the complete lack of response from remailer-admin@cajones.com.
Be careful when you say "Complete lack of response". You've got no idea what I did and didn't do once I got your message. I have previously talked with the operator of the cypherpunks list (this was about 2 months ago when someone else was abusing the remailer to post trash to that list). At that time, I offered the standard good will gesture that remailer operators can offer: "Would you like me to block the list, so this remailer won't send anything to it". Because of the nature of anonymous remailers, this is about the extent of the action that I can take. To this, I recieved a very firm "no!" (cypherpunks is of course a list where people do have good reasons to use remailers). Because of that, I _WON'T_ block cypherpunks, until I am instructed to by May, Gilmore, Hughes, et.al. Period. This holds true for all mailing lists. I need to have authorization from the list maintainer to block the list. I have added your address to my block list, this remailer won't send anything directly to you in the future. If you don't want to read anything from this mailer that comes across lists, then you should either manually delete anonymous messages before reading them (the headers and return address make it obvious when a message has come through a remailer), or turn on some client-side mail filters. Your own company makes a product with adaquate functionality to do this. -Jeff Operator... Huge.cajones.com P.S. Besides... aren't ad hominum attacks on Tim May a Cypherpunks tradition? P.P.S. Isn't there a non-flames moderated cypherpunks? Perhaps you want to be on that list instead of the free-for-all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "When they came for the 2nd Amendment, I said nothing, for I owned no gun Then the sixth was next to go, and I remained silent, as I was not on trial They took away the fourth, and I said nothing, as I had nothing to hide And then they came for the First, and I could say nothing."