At 01:46 AM 05/17/2003 -0400, Tyler Durden wrote:
Just what I was afraid of. Even worse than the "Big Brother" scenario (where a giant, hyper-evil and hyper-intelligent KGB runs the place) is a sea of minimum wage incompetants now hyper-empowered with secret lists and locally infinite authority.
This isn't the fascist utopia I thought I was buying into.
Part of the problem is that they *don't* have locally infinite authority, only locally infinite responsibility. The minimum-wage incompetents have orders they *must* follow, and don't have the authority to decide when they're bogus or inappropriate or have been documented around or obviously apply to some *other* Dave Nelson, but do know that if they get caught failing to harass _this_ Dave Nelson, they lose their jobs, and if they let _some_ Dave Nelson through and the plane blows up, they're in even worse trouble.