Thank you for asking, To answer some of the many questions that have been flooding in, I want to get back to you personally but for now, my mailings have caused a deluge of E-mail. I love it! People are really interested in finding answers toward making a better world for us all. I am just learning how to use some of this mailing programs. I must apologize to the three people who wrote back wanting off of my mailing list. I fully intended to take you off as you requested. A software glitch caused me to lose those few files in the “remove directory.”, What can I say, I am sorry, I messed up. I will not call names, but the three of you know who you are, would you be so kind as to re-summit your request for removal. I went ahead with the mailing to the other 30,000 or so that wanted to remain on the list. I hope you will not mind. I thank you for your incontinence, and I know the others on the list will also. First of all, in answer to the few that were in favor of slavery for prisoners, let me say, it is impossible to re-habilitate someone’s attitude toward society with methods that make the person bitter against the re-habilitations. You just confirm to the criminal that their poor outlook on society is right. When you stoop to steal a persons talent, work, pride and dignity you are no better than the crook yourself. People learn by example, not by what you say. What we are presently doing isn't working. More than 75 % of offenders come back to prison after release. If someone could not support themselves, a life of crime would be a viable choice. If a person is imprisoned because they stole to support themselves or their family, are we setting a good example when we steal their labor and talent thus exploiting them? Would it be better to teach someone to make a living while they are being isolated from general society, or would it be smarter to increase an individual’s anger and confirming to them that we really don’t give a damned about them? Which would convince you that the established order had something for you, one that included you, or one that excluded and stole from you? If we have a fair economic system, and a Polly centric democracy, There is a place for everyone in it. When you isolate someone from their peers, in order to protect society in general, would it be better to return them to society as a bitter person? Do we want to teach people to lash back at the system that has excluded them? Is slavery conducive to creativity? We call ourselves a free country yet we house more prisoners than any other country. Lastly, I am not against employment of prisoners, there is a big difference in employment and slavery. You pay an employee, while you exploit a slave. There ! is choice in employment, while the With a prison population that is on the rise, I want it to be nice when I get there. How do you want it when the police state finally nabs you? If you have no compassion for others, I would think that self preservation might spark an interest. But then you say, I am not a crook. I would never be in a place like that. In Nazi Germany I am sure many people thought the same way. I hope you are right in your thinking. If you are, I hope you prove it. That is what I am doing with my ideas. I am acting on them. I don’t care whether you agree with me or not, as long as you are thinking. I am willing to let the best idea win. The best idea is the one that is acted upon the most. Action never loses .when based in truth. If you want to join me in action let me know. I have a plan that you might like. If you want to know more, get back too me and let me know if you would like to see some of my web-sites that are being designed to put the power into the peoples hands ! and solve some of these on going p Now here is the really exciting news. You know how hard it is to get politicians to listen to you if you did not contribute to their campaigned? Well, I think I might just have the answer to all that. Politicians like it when we pay our tax. It gives them more money to get kick backs from. After all, you didn’t think they spent all that money getting elected just to serve the people for a fraction of what they spent getting elected did you? No, of course you didn’t think that. Soon there is going to be an offshore auction. This will be outside of the USA in a tax haven. It will be reachable by internet. The money you make and save will be taxed only as your conscience directs. The government cannot tax what it can not see. If you would like to non taxable money, you might consider making donations that you would have otherwise spent in taxes to a prison reform fund. Think about it and let me know if you really want to be on the list of people notified when this ! offshore auction goes on line. It Thanks again, Fred L. Michaelis