-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- In <Pine.LNX.3.95.971201181053.19756A-100000@www.ctrl-alt-del.com>, on 12/01/97 at 06:13 PM, Alan <alan@ctrl-alt-del.com> said:
On Mon, 1 Dec 1997, Vin McLellan wrote:
<News Alert, from C/Net's News.Com>
"PGP acquired by merged security software firm.
"Pretty Good Privacy, an encryption company foundered by crypto pioneer Phil Zimmermann, has been acquired by Network Associates, the result of the merger of McAfee Associates and Network General, which closed today.
"Network Associates will pay $35 million in cash for PGP. "
Not good news. As I remember McAfee was one of the "Key Recovery Aliance Partners".
They sure are. :( This does not look good at all. :((( http://www.kra.org/roster.html Key Recovery Alliance Members * = Charter Members America Online, Inc. Apple Computer, Inc. * American Express Corp. Atalla * Baltimore Technologies Boeing Candle Corporation CertCo Certicom Compaq Computer Corp. Cryptomathic CygnaCom Sulutions, Inc. Cylink Corp. DASCOM, Inc. Data Securities International, Inc. Digital Equipment Corporation * Digital Secured Networks Technology, Inc. Digital Signature Trust Company Entrust Technologies First Data Corp. Fort Knox Escrow Services, Inc. Frontier Technologies Corp. Fujitsu, Ltd. GemPlus Gradient Technologies, Inc. Groupe Bull * Hewlett-Packard * Hitachi IBM * ICL IRE Intel Corporation McAfee Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan Mitsubishi Electric America Motorola Mykotronx Mytec Technologies, Inc. nCipher Corp. NCC Escrow NCR Corporation * NEC Network Systems Group of Storage Tek Novell, Inc. Open Horizon, Inc. Portland Software PSA Price Waterhouse Racal Data Group Rainbow Technologies RedCreek Communications RPK RSA * SafeNet Trusted Services, Corp. Secure Computing Corporation Siemens AG Silicon Graphics, Inc. SourceFile Spyrus Sterling Commerce Sun Microsystems * Tandem Technical Communications Corp. The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. Toshiba Trusted Information Systems, Inc. * Unisys UPS * Utimaco Mergent VPNet Technologies - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------- William H. Geiger III http://users.invweb.net/~whgiii Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0 Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail. OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at: http://users.invweb.net/~whgiii/pgpmr2.html - --------------------------------------------------------------- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3a-sha1 Charset: cp850 Comment: Registered_User_E-Secure_v1.1b1_ES000000 iQCVAwUBNIOJJo9Co1n+aLhhAQJlJAP9FL+MvHla+Xpa4ZPKFNcLT0IUp8QYs/QR UG912fUE3vn3KhOAE6Vv3wDfafREKWlzbFwCz3WbnKEv09G9vCAJ+YiXo2QWs3sQ W6WD6ucf0+I1DFtoPJ9jLqWecKw//XMeLbdnNvH9Fxp4eR0zEzz57LNzTzJBqfID /tuRl/GbQhw= =w6jw -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----