X Four wrote:
Last night, ABC news once again stroked the fires of fear and raised the boogieman of "Hackers" destroying the goverment, banks, power plants, ad nauseum. Of course, the main guest was from the US Govt's new trumpeter of CyberTerrorizm, "the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure
Protection". A full transcript is available. _______________________________________________________
Revolution in a Box -- Cyber Terror -- AIR DATE: Monday, Dec. 8, 1997 http://www.abcnews.com/onair/nightline/html_files/transcripts/ntl1208.html
Jamie Gorelick: Well, there are a number of things we can do. I mean, the effort that has been started already is one to build a partnership between the government and the private sector to work together
Is it not funny how this theme of the "government and the private sector" working together is becoming a worldwide theme, just as the theme of "cooperation between governments" is also becoming a universal theme? Can you say, "Fascism?" Sure you can... Can you say, "New World Order?" Sure you can... Can you say, "Bend me over and stick a crowbar up my ass?"...