With the various T-Shirt proposals flying, I would not mind having more than 1 design myself. The Oxford-variety, dressy, a more classic look, while a t-shirt with big brother or keys more for the street. You can count me in for both varieties if someone has the gumption to really put them together. Paul -- R O All Comments Copyright by | Technofetisht A N Paul S. Goggin (1993) | Cypher, Cyber, Chaos V Information Broker | Ergoflux, Interzone E chaos@aql.gatech.edu | Carpe Diem: Stop the Clipper wiretap chip Finger account for latest _Phrack_ | Public Key: PGP and RIPEM available For anonymous communication:---> anonymus+4744@charcoal.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title 18 USC 2511 and 18 USC 2703 Protected -- Monitoring Absolutely Forbidden