Vinnie Moscaritolo <vinnie@webstuff.apple.com> writes:
Tim May <tcmay@got.net> writes:
.the Mac OS is of course still missing basic OS features such as... memory
Tim,.I am suprised to hear you whining with such a liberals voice.. I always thought that demanding memory protection in an OS is a lot like demanding that the government is responsible for protecting you from anything that might go bad.. If applications are well written, then you really dont need the memory partitions in a personal computer.
Are you serious? Or are you pulling our leg?
That is if application writers would take responsibility for thier own apps...
People write crap software. Microsoft writes crap software. If the OS reboots or freezes every time a microsoft app dumps core on you, it gets tedious. If you are developing software you don't want a reboot just 'cause you got a stray pointer. Real multi-tasking is kind of nice too, like when the mouse cursor still functions, and your system still runs while copying a file to a floppy disk. (The entire system freezes for the duration of the operation with win3.1, and I think it is still noticeable in win95. Linux where as you wouldn't know there was a floppy being copied if you didn't glance down at the drive light.) Adam -- Have *you* exported RSA today? --> http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/ print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<> )]}\EsMsKsN0[lN*1lK[d2%Sa2/d0<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<J]dsJxp"|dc`