On Thursday, January 3, 2002, at 05:12 PM, faustine.@hushmail.com wrote:
If you can ever imagine yourself in a situation where it might be to your advantage to manipulate your test results to seem a little less antisocial or whatever, getting familiar with how they control for deception and which questions map to which personality "disorders" could come in quite handy.
The idea of pigeonholing people this way is morally repugnant: do pardon me for not feeling like playing along. Personally, I've never had to take it, but couldn't resist the challenge of figuring out how to beat it. And practicing until I got every goddamn scale to come out the way I wanted it to. Now I can avoid being labeled...
I suggest a more straightforward way to "avoid being labeled" by such a voodoo bullshit thing as the MMPI: don't take it. Nobody at any company I have ever been connected with has required it of their employees, the law can't require it (even if one is ordered into a "psychiatric evaluation," it cannot be compelled, for the same reason no speech can be compelled). A simple litmus test: if one is working for an employer or agency which requires psychobabble tests, one is working for the wrong side.
4 Pd - Psychopathic Deviate ANG2 - Anger: Irritability CYN1 - Cynicism: Misanthropic Beliefs ASP1 - Antisocial Practices: Antisocial Attitudes TPA1 - Type A: Impatience TPA2 - Type A: Competitive Drive FAM2 - Family Problems: Familial Alienation TRT2 - Negative Treatment Indicators: Inability to Disclose O-H - Overcontrolled Hostility
and come out smelling like a rose with...
S1 - Beliefs in Human Goodness S2 - Serenity S3 - Contentment with Life
You're a waste of electrons here. Even Agent Farr was more on-topic. Is this some kind of ersatz chick thing? --Tim May "Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound"