Hi Friends,
I have found a program that is really paying( this is my third payment!). This one is gonna stick around for a long time, do the math yourself! Just remember to use my ID as your sponsor #129999, as I making more money from my referrals winnings then I am from my own.!
11/5/01 17:23 |
Payment Received | 4205180 | Gold | +1.076426 | 129999 | 300.00 US$ | 278.70 |
From: ODD COUPLE | |||||||
Memo: You're a winner! 150% Return! |
We understand that Internet Investors prefer not to join programs that require a long waiting period before they receive a return, therefore we have designed a program that gives you a much faster return than many other High Yield Investment Programs. Therefore, we needed a program that had a fast turn around time, offered unexceptional rate of return, and would not die off, due to not getting enough new subscribers. In response to this need, we created ODD COUPLE, a game where you can make 150% return instantly, as well as 10% return on referral winnings. Basing this game around solid mathematical principles, we have a game that is sure to last, and does not rely on new recruits or ponzi schemes to be profitable.
Okay folks, grab your dollars and let's have some fun. Now we CAN capitalize on those fast rolling e-gold "batch numbers" .. the might as well be good for something, right ?
The game is real simple, it's called ODD COUPLE, and how it works is like this:
Look at your batch number from your spend to us. If the batch
number's last digit is
------------------- Your A Winner!!! and you receive 150% return
EVEN or COUPLE (i.e. 77,22,55,etc)------------------- Sorry Try Again
You may spend $15 to $500 at a time.
Spend through e-gold.com to account 389309
When you reach the e-gold transaction page put your e-mail
address and referrer # in the memo box.
You will be paid within 24-48 hours of your spends
Also get paid on your referrals winnings too! Help us promote our program and we will pay you 10% of your referrals winnings! Just have your referrals use your egold number in their memo!
You may e-mail us with any questions or comments at: